"He's usually been seen scowling and frowning...." Perhaps, just perhaps, having grown up in the bubble of the 'Firm', surrounded by the 'Men In Grey Suits', Harry only realised what a bunch of absolute snobs they were once he'd introduced Meghan to them. The fact that she was a mere actress probably had many of them choking on their cornflakes. The fact that she was mixed-race risked giving some of them a mild stroke. The scowling and frowning is aimed, not at his wife, but at those he knows best.
I've never met either of the couple, but I like Harry because of his insistence to serve his country, and I haven't a clue as to Meghan's acting skills having never watched anything she has appeared in. I do however, wish them both a long and happily married life. If only to thwart those on here who predict otherwise.