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Ofqual Chief Does The Decent Thing And Resigns. Meanwhile The Main Culprit, Gavin Williamson Clings On

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Gromit | 18:53 Tue 25th Aug 2020 | News
67 Answers

There is a pattern emerging.
Cummings, Jenrick and Williamson all *** up massively, but brazen it out as though they are angels.

Bunch of arrogant twits ?


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Just for the record, APC, I don't dispute the claim that the teachers' predictions are likely to be optimistic. The questions, however, are (a) why, (b) by how much, and (c) affecting which students. It's difficult to see how any algorithm that attempted to answer these questions would be correct. Indeed, Ofqual's own studies showed that it was at best 70% accurate. Why prefer a system that arbitrarily penalises students when that system is known to be equally flawed, in its own way, as the teachers' assessments?
Because we usually use both...
> (a) why, (b) by how much, and (c) affecting which students

All three will surely vary on a teacher-by-teacher basis. For example:

why: because why not? There's nothing to lose and maybe something to gain.
by how much: again, why not "a lot"? Also, downgrading oiks that you really can't stand would give great satisfaction
affecting which students: all of them, one way or another. Just give the whole class top marks. It's their rank order that really matters (it turned out that rank order was discarded).
I guess we will soon see... if exams are brought back next year, or any time in the future, we will know that assessments alone weren't accurate.
TTT; ad hominem doesn't impress anyone with a thinking brain.
Who told you that.
This year's results were never going to be 'Correct'. They should have just accepted this and used the teachers estimate grades, knowing this would perhaps result in higher grades than previous and subsequent years. Just accept there's a blip in 2020, as in so many things other than education.

Surely better to do this than make them all artificially LOWER than previous and subsequent years. How the f does that help anything?

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Ofqual Chief Does The Decent Thing And Resigns. Meanwhile The Main Culprit, Gavin Williamson Clings On

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