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Apc2604 | 08:09 Tue 01st Sep 2020 | News
68 Answers
//The learning gap between rich and poor pupils has grown by almost half since schools closed in March, teachers said.//

Why? Is this down to parenting? All children were set work by schools, rich and poor alike.


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To say there are families with little or no access to the internet due to 'depravity' is a joke. Even the most deprived homes have internet -at £20 or less a month its affordable even to those on benefits and all those types seem to carry top of the range mobiles on contracts. Its ignorance and lack of motivation on the part of SOME parents who would fall into the...
09:37 Tue 01st Sep 2020
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The heading and my question are showing on my tablet! on latest wuestions, all I can see on the screen are three dots?
I think it's because you've put the link to the story in the heading box.
To answer the question, I think it's down to parenting. Some aren't capable - and some can't be bothered.
I think that's because a link won't show as a heading Apc, I've made the same mistake myself
Schoolboy error. :-)
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Well, now it's a mystery question.
But I get the gist of you Qs,
Parents I'd say, those that aren't very well educated themselves wouldn't be able to home school their children and I'm not being unkind there as there's many reasons for that I'm sure
You could use the report button to ask the Ed to change it for you.
Oh no it's not.
Not all of the families had access to 'technology' which, whilst a great tool to help many children, meant that those less fortunate couldn't receive and return any of the set work.
> Why? Is this down to parenting? All children were set work by schools, rich and poor alike.

This could be a reason:

> More than a quarter of pupils (28%) were reported to have no access to a laptop or computer at home.
Question Author
But Bobbi. The teachers set the work, parents just had to see the work was being done, and help if they could, not do it. Was there no follow up from teachers. Did the children not have to submit their work for assessment. Easy life for teachers?
And it your child refuses to do the set work what then?
Endless bits of “homework” are useless. It isn’t teaching.

And now it seems that any child with a cough or sniffle is going to cause mass panic in the ranks.
Lessons held over Zoom. Homework set and submitted over the Internet.

This isn't great but it kind of works if both the teacher and the pupil have a usable PC and an Internet connection. But 28% of pupils did not. Most likely the poorer ones.

I know a few private school teachers who got by just fine.
//The National Foundation for Educational Research's survey questioned a weighted sample of almost 3,000 heads and teachers in about 2,200 schools.
It was carried out just before the end of term in July, and suggested teachers had covered just 66% of their usual curriculum for the academic year.
almost all teachers (98%) said their pupils are on average three months behind where they would normally expect them to be in the curriculum
boys are further behind than girls, according to 21% of teachers
and the learning gap for poorer pupils has widened by 46%//

If 46% had been disadvantaged because of poverty but only 28% had no access to computers what percentage were either bone idle or have bone idle patents? Extra marks if you clearly show your working out.
There are a lot of problems for poorer families. Crowded conditions,single parent families, very young children to be cared for etc. etc. It's not fair just to blame the parents/parent. Children from poorer homes are often at a disadvantage, even when schools are open, for the same reasons. In my experience, many parents do care, but the home environment works against them.
Lots of folk teach themselves from books. Admittedly it isn't as easy as having someone explain, but that does assume that teachers are giving lessons over the Net that are being missed.
P.S All exam papers have a spelling error in the question just to give children an excuse for not understanding the question. It doesn't matter anyway all the little darlings are guaranteed A* plus even if they have no lessons, no tests, and have never met their teachers.
No lessons over Zoom for us I’m afraid.
I’m not actually sure teachers are allowed to do that anyway. My sister wasn’t.
Teachers do use Zoom. Unless the union says not to. It can be recorded you see. That means someone can check the effectiveness of the teacher. Zoom was used to great effect by the teachers at private schools.

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