I can’t see it (taking many votes from the Tories)
Parties like that tend to die a death. Even TIG, who stood half a chance as they were formed from other parties, died a death not long after birth. Unless you have a novel, simple idea like eg Brexit, that no one has seriously thought of before ...
That’s how UKIP managed to poll millions of votes, if no seats to speak of. The other UKIP guff people largely disregarded. Reclaim, it seems, has only the guff.
I thought Fox at first was just someone who appreciated plain speaking but he’s plainly much much less :-)
David Mitchell should be a carpenter, for he pretty much nails it here ;-)
And I think as a matter of fact people in general LIKE things like LGBT awareness and Black History week. Without necessarily wanting to go on marches about it.
People like to think their local supermarket is “nice” and “cares”. Someone will have researched that you may be sure
So he may be shooting himself in the foot here. Expression of cynicism maybe, but boycott??