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Why Does The Counting Take So Long?

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ToraToraTora | 15:11 Thu 05th Nov 2020 | News
61 Answers
Pennsylvania has been on 89% for over 15 hours!


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Oooh ...
The returning officer went on a comfort break and has not returned yet
Trump tweeted 'STOP THE COUNT' - wonder if that was autocorrected?
They have stopped the count in one county in PA, as a large number of the ballots were subject to a legal count.
There are of course multiple counts in each state
Legal “challenge”
The counting officer may well be sat in the rest room.. Too scared to return and deliver the bad news?


No :-)

It has some keen competition, but that link posted at 17.07 has to be one of the most outrageous ...
They run out of fingers.
Just read on the BBC that each state makes its own laws and systems for counting votes, which I didn't know (and seems a little....crazy).
You've all got it wrong .

The reason is that there are issues with the chads
Well the US is a federation so it’s not surprising that the rules and laws differ, which is certainly confusing. Maine and Nebraska don’t even have the same way of assigning electoral college delegates
Blimey, Togo... that takes some severe paranoia. Is that really what they think??
It's an outrageous slur on the people who count the votes, who are just ordinary folk. Some people get on with doing their best while others moan and develop conspiracies.
There a whole constituency in the US which seems beyond reason, beyond the real world, and beyond, it would seem, the pollsters.
That is very scary.
They do indeed Pixie. Problem is so much of what we are now perceiving to be paranoia is increasingly being backed up with hard facts and indisputable examples. For instance it is now being queried as to why Wisconsin counted more votes than there were registered voters, a lot more. I suppose that would take longer than was factored in when the counters were appointed.
The paranoia is fed by conspiracy theory and not fact.
It’s time these unsubstantiated fears were challenged.
One State has just announced that "the counting" will not be complete until the 12th November. HAHA. More likely the 12th of never. What are they up to?
The State is Nevada and postal votes can be delivered up until 10th Nov. I think that they are expecting quite a lot.
There’s nothing unusual about late counting - Alaska, a Republican stronghold, could be at it for weeks.
And overseas votes come in late from Forces.
As long as the voting isn’t late.
But even then, there are different time zones across the country on the day so inevitably people are voting on places when results elsewhere are known

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