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Are Some Of The Rust Belt The Swing States Show Boating?

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ToraToraTora | 10:19 Fri 06th Nov 2020 | News
65 Answers
It's funny how most of the states are counted, done and dusted and it just so happens that the swing states are going to take a fortnight! There was some official from one state or other on sky news this morning saying that they wont be finished until the 12th because of their "timeline" worryingly she said something about "fixing" the votes though I think that's an Americanism for dealing with the ones that are unclear. Anyway have they set up their election counting laws so they get a lot of time in the limelight?


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You do get the sense that they're enjoying the attention. Perhaps when someone crosses the 270 and no-one cares too much about the remaining numbers, they'll magically all appear fairly quickly.
11:05 Fri 06th Nov 2020
"they are not legally obliged to vote in any way in any state."

That's not correct.

"There are 33 states (plus the District of Columbia) that require electors to vote for a pledged candidate. Most of those states (16 plus DC) nonetheless do not provide for any penalty or any mechanism to prevent the deviant vote from counting as cast. Five states provide a penalty of some sort for a deviant vote, and 14 states provide for the vote to be canceled and the elector replaced (two states do both). The constitutionality of these laws was upheld by the Supreme Court in Chiafalo v. Washington on July 6, 2020."
faithless elector - see eiki
oh god
it is OK to vote faithlessly
but the returning state can fine them
only in america
yeah corbo
then it says further on
electoral college voting is a federal function that cannot be interfered with by state law

hence you can do it and be punished later
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TCL 10:58, that's their state law, nothing stops them voting how they want. Their state may prosecute them later of course but that won't affect their ability to do it.
"14 states provide for the vote to be canceled and the elector replaced"

In those States, a Faithless Elector is replaced and the vote doesn't count so they end up with Electors who MUST vote a certain way.
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14 out of 50, right oh!
"they are not legally obliged to vote in any way in any state."

"14 out of 50, right oh!"

Fourteen out of fifteen is fourteen more than none.
After Trumps little ‘legal challenge’ tantrum they slowed the count. It’s due process and needs to be watertight.

Much like little Donny’s nappy when they drag his ass out of the WH.
Fourteen out of fifty...
On July 6, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously in both Chiafalo v. Washington and Colorado Department of State v. Baca that states may enforce laws to punish faithless elector

to poony the faithless elector not to make him march froo the right lobbydoor

I love the idea of 14/50 is narfin - no wonder Trump thinks he's won - only 5 m people voted for someone else ! right on!
the trump election seems to be bringing out the best in people
TTT - 14 /50 aint narfin
and Naomi yesterday
I am not prejudiced and nothing you will say will change my mind !

only n AB ! the only site that throws up new crazy posts day after day - never diappointing !
Whatever the situation, they need to get the hell on with it and deliver a result. The longer it drags on the more scope there is for serious trouble to occur.
myself I think it is all blah blah
and trump will ( whining and gristling away )
accept the Will of the People

it is a bit odd to hear all the mainstream ABisms tho
"we want every vote to count - so we are gonna exclude 5000!"
"Keep counting or our man will have the election STOLEN"

even the beeb hackettes can see that the two statements from the Trump camp cant be true at the same time
I don't care how long it takes as long as Trump gets kicked out.
Re-count in Georgia -
'Evidence' of dodgy postal votes apparently...
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It's going to take another week for Nevada! just heard on the news! I'm bored with it now!

This limelight seems to have limited allure. Still, carry on.
I could be wrong, but I don’t think I’ve ever commented on a Trump thread or the US election (a) because as important as they are to us, I’m more concerned with the UK and (b) because I don’t even pretend to understand their college system, but isn’t this becoming a little embarrassing now?

It just seems very narcissistic from Trump’s POV now with somebody that is just simply not used to losing.

Without a single shadow of a doubt Trump is talented - you don’t become a billionaire by being a dummy - but surely the time has come to throw in the towel, hasn’t it?
You are right DD, as long as his defeat is legitimate and transparent.

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