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What Will Happen If Trump Refuses To Leave?

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saintpeter48 | 18:06 Sat 07th Nov 2020 | News
39 Answers
When must he hand over power and what happens if he refuses to do so, will he be dragged out shouting and screaming.


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1 mate is convinced its not all over!
One commentator pointed out that Trump will probably want to concentrate on his post-Presidential career, and it won't win him any admirers in that field if he fails to leave graciously.

Since Trump doesn't have a gracious bone in his body, I'm inclined to think he will carry on with his pointless tirades, and then imagine that the real world is queuing up to have him back.
The sad thing is he will always be known as President, as ex presidents keep the honorary title.
They have to wait until Jan the 20th as Dump-the-Trump is Pressie until then.


"I wonder what this red button really does - tell you what, I'm going to push it and see......and if my old mate, Vladimir, gets it up his bum, so what! God Bless Me and America."
they also exit this world with a ceremonial horse in their procession to the Capitol for their 'honorary time in state', the gee-gee with their boots in the stirrups pointing backwards, rowan - maybe they should point forwards with this one.
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That was funny!
// The sad thing is he will always be known as President, as ex presidents keep the honorary title. //

Yes, the tradition is that he must always be addressed as Mr President, which could be quite funny if he ends up in prison.
Night night everyone.
jackdaw "I agree. Trump appears to be more pro-Britain than Biden but we will just have to wait and see."

I don't think he is pro Britain...or pro anything apart from pro himself. he will do, say, promise anything to further his own ends and when he no longer needs the person, organisation or country or when what he wants changes or he can't get it then he will just dump them.
he gets a security detail to the end of his days too. I don't know if they're required to go behind bars with him.
jno he may get a security detail till the end of his time in office but the second he is due to leave all they have to do is remove all the security men and leave him to his own devices. Just leave the gates to the White House open and let nature take its course.....
I've been watching the news and they're saying things like we'll have to now wait and see whether the President faces reality and concedes defeat.

I don't even see how that's possible now. When you've claimed that there's been massive fraud and you've got lots of evidence for it, you can't suddenly say, oh well our lawsuits have failed - it was worth a try, but now we'll admit we lost and co-operate with the handover.

They've burnt their bridges and have no choice but to persist with their nonsense.
Wee quiz on Scottish FB site. Answer A or B.

A. Should Donald Trump move to Scotland
B. Should you chew off your left leg
Lankeela, he gets a security detail for ever.
Trump may have a point, though. The Democrats have a history of fighting dirty. It is said that during the 1960 election JFK phoned Mayor Daley of Chicago to ask him how many votes he could get. Daley's answer was, "Just tell me how many you need".
Both parties game the various systems. Without, I'd suggest, manufacturing votes.

The only good thing that can come out of all this is that any court ruling might actually advise for future elections.
Unless there is some major piece of stuff that has so far escaped everybody, then there is zero percent chance of anything happening other than Trump finally leaving, possibly still complaining, but nonetheless leaving.

Trump will leave alright. It's just exactly how it happens that will be interesting.

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