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Bobbisox1 | 18:44 Fri 13th Nov 2020 | News
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Boris's fiancee is in charge now.
Did you ever doubt it?
Question Author
No, but it's earlier than was said
possibly. She might be a bit sharper than Boris is. All the same, risky move by Boris to dump his mentor and hitman
More likely to move backwards. We'll have to see.
As I said last night, unsurprising really.
Hurray. Hurray.

Have your pals sorted out a nice easy job for you?
Gud,he wont be pulled up for non-essential travelling this time...
It’s good news for anyone who’s like to see a more functional and less confrontational style of government
Cummings completely unsuited to his role.
Just a thought : does he look like his Spitting Image or does his Spitting Image look like him?
God help us if a female might be thought to be wielding some power.
I’d say Ms Stratton is probably as much behind this as anyone.
Not to mention scores of elected MPs male and female
// risky move by Boris to dump his mentor and hitman //

I don't think he dumped him, I think he jumped ship because his mate didn't get that job.
Too much to hope that Boris is in that box DC's carrying?
LJ,well,its impossible to satirise any of 'em which is why Spitting Image doesnt work...
John Major’s Premiership was blighted by the ‘***’ in his own party who worked against him.
Cameron was shafted by the Eurosceptics in his own party and his fear they would defect en masse to UKIP.
May was mugged by the ERG.

What if... it was only Cummings holding the show together, and his departure will herald a bloody war for the heart of the party.
I don't know, tomus, but he had been talking about staying to the end of the year. There's nothing obvious happened since Cain left that might have changed his mind about this, except maybe Carrie walking into his office with a Kalashnikov.
// which is why Spitting Image doesn't work //

I thought it was a mistake to reboot Spitting Image, but the result is far worse than my most bleakest fears.
It is truly awful. Unfunny, badly written, and irrelevant.
I wasted £4.99 on a BritBox subscription. I have learned my lesson.
Sunk,dont want to derail thread but how can u satirise Boris,Trump,Gove etc

Real politics is of such vital importance yet is reduced to pure slapstick by the cast.Staggering.
how many times has he gone?

is this the AB version of
hack: "Mr Cummings we didnt get that. can we do it again and I know! can you trip down the step this time? ready - action!"
// yet is reduced to pure slapstick by the cast//

erm that is the point of satire innit?
no point in satirising tractor production in the Ukraine

I agree - wrong country and wrong script you may well end up in a concentration camp

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