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Thatcher Continues To Divide.

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diddlydo | 09:19 Thu 03rd Dec 2020 | News
260 Answers
Disgraceful that this sum of money should be spent on unveiling her statue in the midst of a pandemic and economic crisis.


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most people don;t look period. I only notice some when going shopping, and i haven't been to west end, Parliament square for an age.
I'm surprised we are still bothering with statues at all, we never learn. But that's nothing against her.
the desecration of monuments is on the increase, The bloody idiot who did the Bomber Command one made me angry. They were 50,000 killed in BC, and to this day i find id it reprehensible that someone could do such a thing
i am too pixie - but she was for all her faults a three times Tory leader, First woman PM, i think if she had been a bloke none of this fuss would have happened.
after all Blair a three times elected Labour man caused harm to this country, by his stupid actions on WMD, sending service personnel to their deaths, with no factual evidence that there were WMD's
Maybe not... i know i have said this before, but I can understand celebrating achievements, but a statue of an individual seems ott. Nobody is perfect, it's always going to be divisive.
But its because of who she is, if they stuck one of Blair up in Parliament square no one would bat an eyelash
I like statues - and I do take the time to look at them and read the inscriptions. I think they're a great accolade.
i suppose what i meant was most don't notice them. I have looked at some local ones to people who have made a difference like Thomas Coram.
I like the contemporary rhyme about the statue of Queen Anne outside St Paul's which faces outward across the road to what used to be a gin palace. Anne was well known for her love of drink:

'Brandy Nan, Brandy Nan
Left in the lurch.
Face to the gin shop
And back to the church.'
she was a tippler by all accounts
"quite a few must have liked her."

Quite a few liked public executions, bear-baiting, slavery, child-labour, and one or two other things.

Doesn't mean to say that they (and she) were total pig-ignorant morons (excuse my hyperbole).

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I can't believe that this thread about a power-crazed, mad, bad and dangerous woman is still going........
In many places, diddly, it wouldn't be by now.

But chucking it into this particular set of dog kennels will keep them yapping for days...

one womans opinion, there must have been millions who voted for her at the time. Otherwise she wouldn't have served three terms as PM, as as i pointed out they all couldn't have been the London elite.
you started this Diddly, you must have expected some thoughts on the matter. You hated her no doubt in my mind. Would you say the same about Blair i wonder...
It's Dennis I always felt sorry for. TNL was his second wife , what on earth was the first one like?.
I agree with Pixie at 12:58. This is not the time for spending money on things like statues, no matter who they depict.
no idea Gulliver, perhaps you can do some research and let us know
as to now is not the right or wrong time for our poster there is no justification for it whatsoever
from what i have read of Mrs T and Dennis relationship he was a rock and fully supportive of her. As to first wife what's that got to do with this thread.

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