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Giuliani’s Star Witness...

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Sunk | 19:46 Fri 04th Dec 2020 | News
14 Answers the Michigan Oversight committee hearing Trump’s electoral fraud accusations.



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Good grief
I wonder why the court cases haven’t been too successful.
I think she has attented court , directly after drinking a whole bottle of Grey Goose. ha ha.
Sunk ,That is absolutely Brilliant
when even Giuliani's telling you to shut up...
which er court of public opinion
are they /she giving the evidence in?

(I imagine) that every lawyer wd wish to test her words in a cross examination.

does anyone have any idea where they are up to in court cases ?
oops read the top
you have even told us where this is

Melissa Carone speaks in front of the Michigan House Oversight Committee in Lansing, Michigan, on Wednesday. Photograph: Jeff Kowalsky

she is likened to a character on SNL ( saturday night live )
impressions of trump passing as satire

the bald man she is talking to - is Republican and I suppose they thought it was a slam dunk - like pushing an open door

[in the english case Lutfer rahman 26% were shown to be fraud - held - run election again]
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We will all pay the price of the warmonger Dems in the White House.
apparently she's also a computer criminal (I'm not sure what that means; maybe she steals them, maybe she just posts photos of kittens)
she was an observer and witnessed such crimes as - not be allowed to 2.scrutinise votes
3.asking peope to show the vote was legal and not being answered

she said the poll book didnt tally with the votes cast - by 30 000 and he said it did

hope less mess
Some might say she's either

Mentally afflicted or
Coked off her tats.
The main problem of course is that she was not under oath. This was a hearing in front of the Oversight Committee and not a trial. Wonder how many of these 'witnesses' would be actually willing to repeat their claims under oath?
I've seen other clips from this same 'hearing'. One in which Giuliani actually breaks wind so loudly that his 'assistant' (sat to his left) looks at him in alarm.

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