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Boris Has Caved In...

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Sunk | 19:17 Wed 23rd Dec 2020 | News
42 Answers
...and sold out our fishermen, and we have a trade deal with the EU.

But was the past 4 years worth it?
Have we got what 17.5 million voted for?


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Sunk, is just getting ready to paint any deal as a failure, yet him and his sort would happily give our sovereignty to unelected corrupt foreign bureaucrats.
I'd happily give away a percentage of a few fish for a free trade deal.
Christ on a bike Tora, what will it take to get you out of pub bore mode with your invented abbreviations and slanderous terms?

Sovereignty? You're 'avin' a giraffe mate. Penury maybe, for the many not the few.
Others can fish in our waters when they've successfully applied to us for a time and quota limited licence to do so. To give way otherwise means we still didn't have control but was bullied into giving our stuff away. Avoiding that's more important that avoiding trading under WTO terms.
If they sell out our fishermen and I shall be on the barricades with my fellow countrymen in Brixham.
In a Canute stylee?
what's oop doogie, is the wee swede nor corpin?
Can someone call a health professional?

The shouty one may be in serious trouble.
//Maybe not what the 17.5 million wanted, but possibly taking some consideration of what the 16.2 million voted against?//

So I'll ask my usual question (to which I've never been given a satisfactory answer):

Imagine the result was reversed (i.e. 17.5m to Remain and 16.2m to Leave). How much consideration for the views of the 16.2m Leavers do you think would have been given when our "Remaining" arrangements were hammered out? I always say what I believe: that no consideration whatsoever would have been given. Mr Cameron would have appeared outside No 10 beaming and smiling to announce "the people have spoken, on we go, time for breakfast."

Do you believe anything else would have happened?
judge: "Do you believe anything else would have happened?" - yes, the EUSSR would have turned the screw, we'd be paying more getting less, losing our veto, forced to take on the Euro etc etc. All with the collaboration of our quisling leader.
Completely demented
don't put yourself down doug!
You must understand that despite whatever you have been told, there has never - never, been a complete instant exit from UK coastal waters of EU fishing on Jan 1st. The offer has been for a 3 year period of negotiated withdrawal of UE fishing vessels & after that an annual appraisal.
O_G 19.15 ( think) Seems to say what I think. The main point is that it is imperative that they acknowledge that they are OUR fishing waters and that they have quotas by our permission.

I now live near Filey, a once prosperous fishing community, and the desperate need for their industry to return is palpable, spoken and longed for. Tourism is a poor substitute.
And the claimed offer is already too subservient. But luckily was, allegedly refused.
When I lived and worked in France I met an Englishman who loved everything about the country, food, wines, scenery, etc., but always maintained that when negotiating with the french, however large or small, always stand with your back to a wall.
Nuff said.
The whole "is thos what 17.5 million voted for" rhetoric is utter bowlocks. 17.5 million voted to leave the EU. I don't recall there being options on that ballot paper regarding what kind of deal, if any we get. Leaving was what was voting for, and that's what is going to happen in eight days time.
Yep, no deal so what. I voted leave not for a deal.
If Boris wants to be Churchillian, this is his moment.
Having just heard the details.of the new deal, I'm going to say this, and it may come as a shock to some people...

Good for you Boris. You proved me wrong.

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