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I'm sure I answered this question on another thread earlier.
The Express says President Xi will be forced to resign - that's the best joke I've heard so far this year!
I think the other thread disappeared.
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yes naomi my previous attempt at this thread was inexplicably pulled.
Ahh, right. Thanks. I knew I wasn't imagining it. I'll repeat what I typed on the other thread.

As Wuhan whooped in the New Year I wondered why life in China is reputed to have returned to normal…. ‘reputed’ I think being the operative word.

They wouldn’t be hiding anything from us … would they?
"Coronavirus: US, Chinese researchers team up in search for virus' origins...Only three of 12 WHO officials who visited China in February were allowed to visit Wuhan, " PUBLISHED APR 29, 2020, 5:00 AM SGT
Autocratic regimes don’t like outsiders poking their nose in.
For whatever reason
i dunno me old china.
Project Baseless perhaps ?

A long read but very interesting...
Because they are sitting on tubes or flasks of Covid 20 through 25?
'........... a two-person WHO team on a three-week mission last August, aimed at laying out plans for further study, sat through a 14-day quarantine upon arrival and never visited Wuhan.

This comes as Beijing engages in a relentless propaganda campaign to distract from its cover-up and rewrite the narrative – all aimed at claiming the coronavirus originated outside China. Officials have seeded a number of conspiracy theories, including blaming the US military for infecting China. The most recent theory flouted is to label imported frozen seafood as the culprit.

Foreign minister Wang Yi has gone so far as to claim the virus emerged in many countries, and that China was simply the first to spot it. “We raced to report the epidemic first,” he told state media.

Mr Wang’s comments are a far cry from the experiences of doctors, including the late Li Wenliang and Ai Fen, both of whom were reprimanded by Chinese authorities after discovering coronavirus infections in December 2018 and seeking to warn colleagues.....'

Today's Telegraph.
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Nothing that comes from the Chinese govt is believable. Alot of it is designed for the consumption of their own population.

Imagine if there was no opposition party or independent media in America and all the information you got the pandemic situation there came from the Whitehouse. It's like that.
After backing out of allowing a team in that was to look for the source, now this.

""More than 300 studies published by the National Natural Science Foundation of China - including investigations into diseases that transfer from animals to humans - are no longer available. The state-run organisation deleted scores of online content, including studies carried out by Wuhan based virologist Shi Zhengli - dubbed "Batwoman". The 56-year-old earned the nickname for her research gathering samples in bat caves. The mass removal of the online studies has reaffirmed fears that China is trying to hamper the investigation into the origin of coronavirus. Data, including the risk of cross-species infection from bats with Sars-like coronaviruses and investigations into human pathogens carried by bats have been wiped - key sources for the inquiry into the origin of coronavirus.""

There are reports in the Sunday Times and The Mail on Sunday and The Sun, which all ask the same question. Meanwhile China has locked down two major cities, population totalling 18million, only an hours train ride from Bejing. This is because of 300 new infections according to the Chinese. Really? 18 million in full lockdown for 300 cases? If you have to tell a lie tell a big one is at work again then.
The American are now more convinced that the virus did come from the Wuhan lab, and was created there from samples of a sars like infection that killed at least 3 men and made 3 or 4 others very ill indeed with an unknown(at the time) pneumonia type condition. This virus was found in bat droppings in an abandoned copper mine in 2012/13. The men had been employed to clean out the mine for future possible further metal ore extraction. This whole thing stinks more than the mine is reputed to have done.
China has never liked people snooping around the country.
The lab in Wuhan was built by the french. It’s technicians were trained in Texas.
A good possibility that Covid escaped from that lab, but more probably by incompetence than a sinister motive.
//The lab in Wuhan was built by the french. It’s technicians were trained in Texas.// sic.

What's that got to do with it? Perhaps you believe that every railway accident in India is Britain's fault ... because we built them.
Are we meant to believe that the cover up and lies are all by accident as well or are a benevolent gesture? Still doing somersaults to excuse every foreign Nation, whilst still castigating Britain at any opportunity. A change of name changes nothing.
"This is because of 300 new infections according to the Chinese. Really? 18 million in full lockdown for 300 cases? "

Why, is that not sensible ?

A year ago China had a real lockdown of 18 million people. I was surprised China got away so lightly last year.(if true)
With over 150,000 deaths in that other populous country, India, it is prudent for China to take exacting measures.

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