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Quarantine Hotels

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eve1974 | 16:45 Mon 15th Feb 2021 | News
17 Answers
Is this not a little late?

Now that we have the vaccine and that numbers are dropping?


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not everyone's had the vaccine yet. But no harm stopping new arrivals spreading their germs around
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I just dunno why they weren’t doing this from the beginning tho?
It was always too late to stop the virus coming in.
“At the start” in any case when travel was still at usual volumes it would have been impossible.
This still feels like an expensive fiasco to me but maybe it will do some good
no read your sunny sun again
the authorities are pooing themselves over the sarf african strain

we are not getting the news -and the marxists at the beeb cant count or do any science. So in one vaccinated population infections have decreased 94%
and a lovely bit of Beeb fluff is actually asking - what dat due to den?
and insisting that vaccination isnt the only answer but they should give equal weight and time to the fella that says it is vernal vibrations from venus channeled froo stonehenge

scientists are cowering under a table after the kicking they were given early in the year for being wrong
Just a money making exercise.

Novotel London Heathrow T1 T2 T3 which is part of the scheme normally charged £65 a night, while travellers using it to quarantine from Monday must pay £175 a night for 10 days.
Maybe the higher price is to deter people coming here.
at some point we are going to want people to come here, London is getting the worse of this crisis with the people being in the highest known group to get covid 19 and loss of businesses because of it.
i do jowever think its a little too late, this should have been done a long while ago.
/////I just dunno why they weren’t doing this from the beginning tho?/////

They did, don't you remember buses taking them to hotels in the North in buses from the airport for 2 weeks quarantine and then it was suddenly discontinued?
Big mistake.
Was the taxpayer footing the bill for that sqad? If so it was an expensive initiative. Perhaps that’s why travellers are now required to fund themselves.
Good point naomi, I really can't be sure, but I guess the taxpayer paid.
I would guess so too.
Its been explained many times. If you have massive rates of infection being caused by the people who live here then if free travel is not being allowed, the number of people who fly in who are infected is a tiny percentage of the total infected people sharing the virus around. Once the infection rate among the people who live here starts to come down drastically, then its worth quarantining visitors.
That’s not why it’s being done though.
It’s supposedly to stop new variants coming in.
Which is ok except at what point do you deem it no longer an issue?
Probably never, so at some point they’ll have to relent
Air travelers coming into Canada are going to have to pay around $2000 for a 3 night stay in a hotel while they wait for the results of a covid test.
sanmac that would surely put people off from entering the country. or is that the point.
Probably, emmie, and also to convince Canadians not to travel abroad.
""/////I just dunno why they weren’t doing this from the beginning tho?/////

They did, don't you remember buses taking them to hotels in the North in buses from the airport for 2 weeks quarantine and then it was suddenly discontinued?
Big mistake."

///Was the taxpayer footing the bill for that sqad?///
reply - \\\... but I guess the taxpayer paid.\\\

Where was this "North" ? (i.e. a verifiable Link )

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