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Evidence of a Brexit Breakaway is growing
I’ve begun to notice a divergence of Britain. We seem to be breaking away from our peers. Let’s start with the obvious piece of evidence – vaccines and Covid-19.
Cases are rising in much of Europe. Italy is back in lockdown.
Meanwhile, Britain’s vaccines are surging ahead. And the Europeans are doing their damndest to fall further behind.
If Europe gets a fourth wave and Britain does not, our economies would diverge dramatically. This one sequence of events could, quite frankly, define both Brexit and Britain for a very long time. Rightly or wrongly, fairly or unfairly.
Then there’s interest rates. Going into the pandemic, the UK bucked the trend in Europe by having any interest at all. While the European Central Bank, Swiss central bank, Swedish central bank and others kept rates at zero or below, the Bank of England stayed positive.
And now UK interest rates are diverging again, but in a different way. Financial news site Bloomberg summed it up like this:
While the ECB reads higher yields as a threat to the euro zone’s already-delayed recovery, BOE Governor Andrew Bailey on Monday joined his colleagues in viewing it as a sign of optimism that the economy is about to rebound from its worst recession in three centuries.
The same news, but with opposing conclusions? Rising rates bad for the eurozone and good for the UK? How can that be?
Well, interest rates can rise for differing reasons and they can have differing effects when they do rise.
Overindebted governments, companies and people can experience financial difficulty when interest rates rise. And interest rates can rise as lenders get cold feet, withdrawing their support.
Or rates can rise because of optimism about the economy, when investors and lenders require better returns for their money because riskier investments are performing well.
If Europe is in for an interest rate-driven debt crisis, while the UK begins to grow and provide better interest rate returns to investors, this would be an extraordinary divergence.
Of course, eventually a European crisis becomes a UK one thanks to our ties. But that would only add to the Brexit narrative by justifying even more the attempt to distance ourselves as much as possible. For example, escaping the EU’s own bonds under its new budget could prove incredibly valuable, as discussed yesterday.
The UK’s higher rates are also attracting more and more investors. Ironically, some of the ones who were very harsh about the referendum result. The Financial Times reports “Japanese investors buy UK government bonds at record rate in early 2021”. Another record, despite Brexit. Why? “Reduction in risk from Brexit and negative rates have boosted appeal of British debt”. They no longer fear the pound falling as much.
On GDP itself, Bloomberg added more:
Britain’s outlook is diverging from the rest of Europe’s. A slow pace of vaccinations has held back the euro zone’s economy and threatened to extend lockdowns. Output is expected to contract again this quarter and not return to its pre-pandemic size until well into next year.
By contrast, the U.K. has enjoyed a string of good news on the economic front. While output is set to contract in the first quarter, the BOE expects a rapid rebound to pre-Covid levels over the rest of 2021.
On the one hand, it will be disappointing if Covid overshadows what would’ve been good economic results after Brexit. On the other hand, the vaccine stoush demonstrates why Brexit is a good idea rather nicely. Just don’t expect Project Fear to agree. The undecided middle might though.
As would global CEOs and firms, apparently. The consulting firm Accenture recently reported on the results of its regular survey, as reported on by Reuters:
The global poll of 12,000 manufacturers and services providers, conducted three times a year for consultants Accenture by data company IHS Markit, showed 68% of British firms expected activity to r