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I Don't Think She's Got The Hang Of This Non Binary Personal Pronoun Cobras!

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ToraToraTora | 09:58 Wed 19th May 2021 | News
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"Today is a day I'm so happy to share more of my life with you all," -
err: "Today is a day We are so happy to share more of our lives with you all," ??

"I'm doing this for those out there that haven't been able to share who they truly are with their loved ones," -
err: "We're doing this for those out there that haven't been able to share who they truly are with their loved ones," ??

If you are going to do this bow locks then at least learn the correct terms!


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I sent a fan message to Demi saying “100101010 She couldn’t read it.
13:10 Wed 19th May 2021
Because I care about children
more than I care about people who take it upon themselves to make decisions they have no business making.
what's crackpot about letting a girl go by a boy name if she wants? there are zero examples in your express link... for all we know it could be a samantha going by sam... And that's assuming these mothers are telling the whole truth about these allegations.
and also... how do you think Demi Lovato has caused this non-problem?
What a load of self indulgent attention seeking rubbish. If she really believes that she is 'non binary' then she needs to see a psychiatrist.
Alice, bring me the sick bag again please.
"'I came out to mum as non-binary watching Drag Race'" surely they should have said their 'parent'?
Not if the parent doesn't identify that way...
David/dave 50 have helpfully shown what's really at stake here... it's just a reflexive "yuck" at people who are different and weird... nothing more.
The English language is difficult enough for a foreigner to study without adding his/her their to the mix.
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bednobs, "your terms are not correct ttt. They have it correctly" - err if she is using "they" then it can't be "I'm", can it? They means more than one does it not?
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untitled: "If you just dislike people you find strange and unlike yourself then say so... don't dress it up like some kind of deep and sincere moral concern about society." - I don't dislike her, I don't know the girl but come on this is bowlocks isn't it?, what do they think non binary means anyway? they are not male or female right just a person is that it? Maybe they should make up some new personal pronouns instead of confusing everyone with how many people they are.
im in the middle of reading 1984 by George Orwell, she would fit right in, crikey.
'They' is perfectly acceptable as a singular.

This is Demi, they are an American singer and actor.

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McMouse: "I sent a fan message to Demi saying “100101010101010”. She couldn’t read it." - that's because she's non binary!
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surely it's the wrong way round anyway, Non Binary = None of the sexes I assume but she must be one of them so it would be more logical to be "Binary" ie both.
Untitled, I have no problem with people being different, or even "weird" if harmless. But I'm sure you have seen these problems don't just begin and end at language. They are often taken far more literally, which can and has been harmful.
If you are suggesting people should have to lie and pretend, to feel accepted, maybe you should ask why you find that acceptable? It's easy, yes, but unhelpful to anyone, including the victims.
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mamy: "This is Demi, they are an American singer and actor." - she mamy she! if you said that I'd assume her mate was on the way over.
""your terms are not correct ttt. They have it correctly" - err if she is using "they" then it can't be "I'm", can it? They means more than one does it not?"
it's they instead of gender specific pronouns (he/she) not they instead of I/we. they does not necessarily mean more than 1 as untitled pointed out.
anyway, as youll probably never speak to DL, you wont have to care, will you?
I do also think that it has become very in vogue to be non binary ....

Which damages the cause of those (few) people that genuinely are.
I'll never speak to Demi either and if I ever did I rather doubt that we would come to blows were I to use the wrong pronoun.

I have had this conversation with a family member and told them that after years of using 'he' I may slip up now and then - the world didn't end and all is good.

Were I to do it purely to be awkward then we may not still remain on good terms.

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