// if he had all the answers, why didn't he speak out at the time.//
on a different council I said that to one of my co-councillors and was told " you say it once and if it is ignored you dont say it again". I had been well and truly shafted by the council chmn
there was of course also the bags of sweeties the council chmn handed out
He was Boris’ Advisor so he made his objections to the PM himself.
Publicly rubbishing the Prime Minister would have resulted in him getting the sack. So he concluded that it was better to stay on the inside and have some influence, than have a flounce and be in the wilderness.
i would rather leave than be a hypocrite. If you can see they are making a hash of it and aren't listening, then go, only sensible thing to do. he didn't, he was pushed.
You seem to be asking questions which he answered in his evidence.
He claims he considered leaving in March, and then again in May, and then in September. He explained why he didn’t then but acknowledged that he should have gone in September not December.
Watching this rank liar and hypocrite trying to rubbish another rank liar and hypocrite, I feel like a Liverpool supporter watching Man City play Man Utd - I want the rules changed so that they can both lose.
Can someone enlighten me - is Cumbo's current testimony under oath (or equivalent)? Can he be prosecuted for perjury if he is found to be lying here?
i wonder who cummings thought more PM Material.
Gove, Rishi Sunak, i wonder if he thought Boris wasn't up to the job that he could have influence enough to select a different leader