"'m a millionaire, but the vast majority of the public are not and would be severely impacted by such changes especially the poor where it could easily lead to poverty."
I don't disagree... it is very likely that the changes required on the scale required will be costly and painful... this does not make them less necessary or inevitable. We will simply have to change eventually, and the longer we leave it the more painful it gets... the idea that the world can simply go on using resources as it does now is a fantasy.
We did have time to do this slowly and easily but that time was maliciously wasted... the science of climate change was known about in the late 1970s at Exxon. In response rather than try to do something about the problem they spent vast sums of money on denialism, suppression, and misinformation... akin to the behaviour of tobacco companies suppressing information on the harm done by smoking. We are still living with the consequences.