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Guess Who's Not Coming To Dinner.

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gulliver1 | 08:42 Sun 19th Sep 2021 | News
102 Answers
Boris Has sent out invitations to a Gala Centenary Dinner at Chequers for ex PMs
Tony Blair , Gordon Brown, David Cameron and John Major have all turned down the invitations saying they are unable to attend. Oh dear just Boris and Theresa then,,,, Wonder if Carrie is doing the cooking
and Gove waiting on. lol.


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09:30 Mon 20th Sep 2021
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17,30 Carrie should be used to small talk by now, and yes she does deserve a medal , and so do all the other women connected with Boris.
They don’t deserve anything, it’s not as if he was an unknown personality. Boris hid nothing about his life ( except maybe a baby/ affair or two .
are you not going to be there, anne? Drat, I only accepted because I thought we'd be sitting together.
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19.15, Boris was quite open with Jennifer Arcuri very open indeed, he gave her a couple of hundred thousand pounds of tax payers money .
Wonder why she is keeping silent ?...... until the money runs out.....
Jno. I’ll be incognito .
Oh, can I be Spartacus?
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19.24, Never mind Jno I will be there you can sit with me.
thank you all, most kind.
The Chequers Trust has clearly been generous with the invites - mine must be lost in the post.
You could always elbow your way in, Mamya.... ;-)
I could try.
ABSpareEd for best answer with one of the removeds.
Dinner Menu:
Brown-Nose Windsor Soup
Scallops Merkel - lightly sautéed and done.
Pasta Biden Giacappo - New York style.
Cock au Francais with Brussel Shouts and Gove's half-baked Salary
Fillet of Beef Prince Andrew - overcooked with Potatoes Gaufre
Gulliver's selection of cheese, (Brown cheese, Hard Luck French cheese, a Starmer-Harmer cheese-butty + a half of Diane Abbots,
White Chocolate Orange Trump Creamsicle Truffles
Eat-Out meringues with Sunak and bitter lemon - after all he is paying for this beano.
Red Helen's national drink post Coffee.
here you go, gulliver, Boris has finally done a head count. I don't know if they'll all be there
Six? How many mothers?
Wait until the grandchildren arrive...that'll baffle him... :-)
If this type of behaviour was by any other male ( except Tory) he would be on the front page of the tabloids .
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18.53 With a breakfast menu of "Rice krispies" supplied by DTC the best Rice Krispy sales man in the west.
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19.00 Bloody hell jno , between Boris and Jacob rees Mogg they could have their own Tory football team and a ref ... "up the Blues",,,,,, right up em.
Three Mothers Anne.

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