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Brexit Poll

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gulliver1 | 10:41 Fri 01st Oct 2021 | News
211 Answers
Only 4% of Brits think Brexit has gone well.
14% Fairly well.
21% Neither Positive or negative
21% Badly.
32%Very Badly.
8% unsure........Oh dear . What happend to the "sunlit meadow" promised.


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// 6546 GB adults surveyed // 6546 Is in fact a very high sample size in a poll. Election polls are usually between 1,000 and 2,000. GB adults surveyed seems to imply no polling was done in Northern Ireland, the region which has been most affected (and voted remain). A proper survey would probably show even more dis satisfaction.
11:22 Fri 01st Oct 2021
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Davebro @12.15 "it will be 5-10 yeare before things settle down".
Half the age group.... who voted out..... won't be around to find out .
That's right Gully we made the right decision for our kids & grandkids!

I don’t want it to fail.
I was never convinced by the Leave argument and am pleased to be proven right.

I believe it is inevitable that eventually we will ask to rejoin.
//I believe it is inevitable that eventually we will ask to rejoin.//

Then you're a fool.
Ttt. Where is the link? It’s right beside you. Try reading the post before moaning .
"I was never convinced by the Leave argument and am pleased to be proven right. " - so after less than a year and all of that spent in a crisis you have already declared yourself right! PMSL! Right oh gromit! What should we do? get on our hands and knees and beg to rejoin? gawd what goes through your loaf ?
anne, there is no link from the OP.
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[email protected] "theres your B/A" Sorry to dissapoint you but Gromits reply @12.22 was a lot closer to the Truth.
There does not need to be a link from the OP, I provided a link so drop it.
Gromit, Nonsense! You haven't been 'proven right' - not by a very long way so no points for the spin. As for re-joining, you just have to hope that the whole crooked cesspit doesn't end up climbing up its own bottom which seems very likely. In the meantime all you can do is dream on.
//AB Spare Editor
It is common practice to offer a link to the news article you would like to discuss however, it is not mandatory.11:26 Wed 29th Sep 2021//
53% think Brexit has failed, and only 19% think it has been a success. It might take 10 years to see the benefits (if there are any), but the public have already made their mind up.
Gromit, we all know about statistics ... don't we? And they call Gulliver gullible. :o)
TTT 53% think Brexit has failed, then they are fools that have just reacted to a tough year. The public are fickle.

You and TTT have been predicting the collapse of the EU due to an exodus of other countries following our lead.
And after 5 years no other country has left. The Exit club has precisely 1 member.
If Brexit had be a success, then possibly half a dozen other countries would have followed us by now. The fact that they haven’t means that everyone think it has been a huge flop.
"The public are fickle."

Do you also think that when poll results support your opinions?
well we've only been out a year and are still paying them, wait till that dosh runs out and they start demanding more wonga from the remaining nations. Then we'll see.
//And after 5 years no other country has left. The Exit club has precisely 1 member.//

Maybe Brexit has been beneficial for the EU? They should have kicked us out ages ago!
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12.25 Davebro but will the grandkids ever forgive you when they are old enough to realise how you have harmed their future.
Gromit, more spin. We haven't been 'out' for five years. And I don't think I've been actively 'predicting the collapse of the EU due to an exodus of other countries following our lead' either.

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