naomi - // I would have no problem with him - or any of them - being dragged from the road abs hauled off to jail. Bu&&er their rights. Other people have rights too. //
The problem is, if you start denying one person's rights because, in your judgegment, it infringes on the rights of someone else, then the first person's rights cease to be rights at all.
It's a complex situation, where the exercise of one person's right to peaceful protest impinges on the rights of others to go about their business, which is clearly the entire object of the action in the first place.
I'm glad I don;t have to frame and execute laws, it's seriously complicated.
And yes, I know someone will leap to their keyboard and say "It's not complicated, lock them up ..." but I reiterate my point, if you stop one person exercising their right on the basis that it inteferes with the rights of another, then the first person's rights are removed.
Sadly, I don't know what the answer is, I can only illustrate what I see as a part of the problem.