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Queen Ill - Is It Serous

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Peter Pedant | 11:26 Wed 20th Oct 2021 | News
60 Answers
Queen has cancelled travel and
has been admitted

serious or not?


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I did read it all, I just posted what had just being reported on 'Talksports' news bulletin. The threads title then caught my attention.
12:53 Wed 20th Oct 2021
Margo's post at 12:30 shows that she is ill again.
Naomi that's the link I posted at 12.30
You hope the Queen will live 8 years, no way can you guarantee it at any age let alone at her age.

Ol' jug ears replacing her doesnt bear thinking about so I hope you are correct.
Sorry crossed posts
Yes, it is, margo. I thought I'd post an extract from it confirming that she is only resting, so posted the link again.
And rest she should at her age.
ymb I was answering PP's original question in the OP so yes I can guarantee it. It was written in 2013 and it's now 2021.
She has been out and about a lot lately, YMB. I don't know how she maintains that pace at her age. Marvellous really.
Oh another let’s wait and see thread.

Obviously an 84 year old having to go into hospital is serious. But she is generally in good nick.
Haha, I see what you mean now Prudie! :-)
What a bizarre thread (that's not been properly read by some). The Queen is 95.
Gromit the link is from 2013.
Ok the link is old and she is 95 and isn’t in hospital.

Yes, I didn’t read the other answers before posting.
Send three and fourpence ...
Peter, it is lovely to know you care about our Monarch x
Crikey, has the Chrismas Abers party started early...almost everyone sounds blotto...

... and your post made me smile, eventually :)
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//Naomi that's the link I posted at 12.30//
Thank you Margo
at least someone can read on AB

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// Yes, I didn’t read the other answers before posting.//

I really dont blame you - I shall pray
Peter - we can all read, most of us are wondering why you started the thread with a story that's *8 years old*...

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