A long answer because a lot has been mentioned.
//There taking a small step that can make a small but overall important difference if everyone does it, looking after themselves and others, but if thats something to sneer at then go ahead.//
OK, let’s take a step back and consider the difference between England and Wales at the present. In Wales one must wear a face covering in shops and on public transport and “Covid Passports” (aka papers to prove you’ve undergone a medical treatment) are necessary to enter nightclubs and large events. In England face coverings are not mandated and Covid Passports are not needed anywhere. These “small steps” should, by your reasoning make quite a difference in outcomes between the two. So before that's interpreted as "sneering", let’s take a look:
- In Wales the weekly case rate is more than 600 per 100,000. In England it is 450.
- In Wales the weekly case rate is up by 20% in the last seven days. In England it is up by 22%.
- In Wales the death rate is 1.6 per 100,000. In England it is 1.0
- Hospitalisations are virtually identical in both countries.
So whatever effect the small steps are having in Wales, the lack of them seems to be having little or no adverse effects in England.
// Would you sneer in JVTs face, Chris Wittys face, Jenny Harris;s face,//
I don’t sneer at anybody. My question about facemasks is genuine. I would ask anybody why they choose to wear one when it is patently obvious that they have little or no effect. I’ve really no opinion worth mentioning about Drs Whitty (who, incidentally, is now counselling against Covid passports) or Harris. Conversely:
//…your doctors face?//
The chance would be a fine thing. Unfortunately my surgery has been closed to personal visitors – at least those wishing to see a doctor – for the past eighteen months.
//Of course if your happy for us to continue with well over a 100 daily deaths,…//
The top three causes of death in the UK are each recording more than four times the number of deaths than Covid. I’m not happy with any deaths but they unfortunately happen. The vast majority of Covid victims are now those with other serious health problems. Hospitalisations are clouded by this issue because the daily new admissions include those who were admitted with other ailments but who tested positive for Covid after admission.
//… 10-20% absences in school even at mock exam times//
There is no justification for pupils to remain at home because one of their classmates has tested positive.
//…high absences at work and consequential service problems//
//hospitals wards stretched by covid patients…//
Hospital wards are not stretched by Covid patients. There are currently more empty beds in England and Wales than there are with Covid patients. Last January 30% of beds were occupied by them; today it is under 6%.
//…so other treatments get postponed again,//
Again, there is no justification for this to continue.
The time has come to accept that it is immunity (either by vaccination or infection) that is keeping matters under control. Behavioural changes are having little if no effect. Walking around with your face wrapped in a damp cloth will certainly bear little fruit. The country must move from vain attempts at suppression towards a more pragmatic approach involving accommodation. Constantly threatening to impose harsh measures as soon as the NHS and its incompetent managers cry wolf is wearing very thin. As I keep saying, viruses spread. It’s what they do. Trying to prevent that when a strain has become endemic is about as pointless as trying to keep global temperature rises under control.