//NJ , a wasted copy/paste exercise.//
You do me a disservice, Auntie. I didn’t copy/paste anything. I was taught about the “house” system when I was at school and I’m able to remember much of what I was taught. In fact I learned about that particular topic er… when I was allocated to my house. This was “Myddelton” and named after Sir Hugh Myddelton. He was a 16th Century engineer who was mainly responsible for the construction of the “New River” which brought – and still brings - fresh water from Hertfordshire to central London.
My school still survives, it still operates the house system and Sir Hugh’s memory lives on as the name of one of those houses, even though he died almost four hundred years ago. My school did not need too much female representation among the four house names as it was founded (and originally funded) by a woman over 400 years ago. She was wealthy, white, and, as far as I am led to believe, heterosexual. So no doubt there will be moves afoot to rename the school due to her lack of “diversity.”