"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
There is some debate as to whether Albert Einstein said that or not. Most sources say he didn't. But there is no debate over whether you keep doing the same thing, Gully. You've asked this same question (albeit with the words slightly rearranged) probably five or six times. You've received near enough the same answers from near enough the same people five or six times. Are you hoping that people will get so fed up with you asking that they will give you the answer you want? If so, I'll start the ball rolling:
[Quote] I think that Brexit has been the biggest political, economic, social and personal disaster the world has ever seen. It has blighted the lives of hundreds of millions of people and has caused economic and financial meltdown across the globe. I feel so utterly ashamed of myself for voting "Leave" and such is my regret that I'm thinking of cutting off my right hand to teach it a lesson for marking my voting paper in such a way. If I had my time again I would never, ever, consider making such an horrendous, stupid mistake again. [Unquote]
I hope this helps. I can uncross my fingers now.