People do what they believe in
This should not be beyond most Abers
Republicans tending to think that Covid is an Asian Hoax are less vaccinated 59% than Democrats ( 91%) and so Covid is killing more republicans than dems
according to the Times today (*)
What do ABers think? - how did you vote in the last election, Daddy?
(*) p 9 Trump voters far more ikely to die from Covid
""NPR looked at deaths per 100,000 people in roughly 3,000 counties across the U.S. from May 2021, the point at which vaccinations widely became available. People living in counties that went 60% or higher for Trump in November 2020 had 2.7 times the death rates of those that went for Biden.""
Haha, more counting oranges to calculate the apple crop.
Remember also that Biden has been shifting the majority of the illegal immigrants into Republican voting areas. Were these illegal immigrants in any way responsible for the figures? They were carrying covid for sure. Just like our own illegal incomers.
// Haha, more counting oranges to calculate the apple crop//
if the whole or a lorra lorra Dorset had red faces and a lorra in Somerset has blue face,
then pulling one with a blue face - likely to be from Somerset
is a valid scientific conclusion - innit?
if you successively pulled a blue face at random seven times, and no red, you could amongst other conclusions infer the apple crop was large and the orange crop was leedol
yeah foo
and if you drove along and found dead smurfs all over the landscape littering the road - you could say - hmm I am in somerset and no one here can read a sign: "vaccinations here!"
foo again
I know I am alone in this
I thought the last case was obviously schizophrenic under british criteria, and they just let it run until she killed someone - -
the fella she previously thought would save her children
21 45 - oh my god it has started up again !
Wakefield has popped up - aaargh - I previously thought he was mistaken but honest ( and sane)
I'm happy for anti vaxxers to not be vaccinated. I'd actually encourage it. As long as they don't want to force everyone else to do the same as them, I'm all for it.
Did they show this clip?
//When reminded by a reporter for NBC News that the movement's followers believe he is fighting to stop a satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals, he asked: "Is that supposed to be a bad thing?"//
No he got to Mike Flynn who was National Security adviser(*) who was reminded of various crazy things he had said
the interview was terminated ( tearing off microphones etc)
then outside the channel 4 crew who filmed it all ( of course) was reproved and chucked off the site
(*) Michael Flynn (born Dec 24, 1958) is a retd US Army lieut. general who was the 25th U.S. National Security Advisor for the first 22 days of the Trump administration. He resigned in light of reports that he had lied regarding conversations with Sergey Kislyak.
and Biden has just said to Putin ( yesterday) - that was then and this is now.
I have PP aways thought that Trump told Putin he had no interest in Europe and cd do what he liked and {utin said "I will make you the richest man in the world" - - and Trump said, " sounz OK to me"
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