Does anybody else have the suspicion that Gulliver could possibly be another name for a long-term member, who perhaps might have a financial interest in AnswerBank Ltd., and is posting his boringly asinine threads and posts in order to gain "foot-traffic" for the site?
I think the Eds have more sense than that...but now we're disrupting Pat's thread again so shall we just ignore Gulliver completely as asking him to be polite and thoughtful of other members doesn't work?
Don't worry about my thread, Gness. Thank you for trying. I think also that new members (which AB needs) wouldn't return to AB if they came across him a described? His behaviour does AB no favours.
Never mind about Johnsons baby,Peter.What is your take on the film"Great Expectations".Do you also regard it as the best film ever made?Ooops,wrong thread,sorry.