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gulliver1 | 13:07 Thu 30th Dec 2021 | News
49 Answers
Britains leaving the UK Via Euro tunnel , Then wanting to drive across France to their homes in other EU Countries, have been told by the French Govt ..They can no longer do so.
Because they are now classed as third Country Citizens........ Is this Brexit really putting the boot in?......


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gulliver, do you know what 3rd country mean's in this case.... its not the same a s third world country or 3rd rate country.
Maybe you need to read drmorgans explanation.
Are you in an EU country or a 3rd country yourself?
nice try bob but gully suffers from RBID probably can't write his own name!
Bob, he's on another planet.
The UK never joined the Schengen agreement which effectively operTes an open border with member states.
We were never in it, so Brexit changed absolutely nothing.
That does not make us third class, it puts on the same footing as the rest of the world.
You would not call the United States as third class, but they are subject to the same restrictions as the UK.
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14.25 I also have trouble writing TTT always seems to end up as TGT
...No idea what TGT stands for ...have you ??
There were over 200,000 new cases of Covid in France yesterday apparently, so these restrictions, like so many travel restrictions,are completely pointless.
ToraToraTora, use that terminology again and you will be suspended for an even longer period than before.
what term?
... and why do I get singled out for the tiniest of things while others get away with murder?
You cannot take the hint can you?
It seems I have to make it clear. Do not call members "traders".
OK I won't
Leave it TTT, even though gulliver is trying to provoke you with his TGT name which we all know what it stands for but a blind eye seem's to be turned to that
I was worried you were referring to RBID.
Thank you.
bob, Gulliver and PP and probably others are exempt from the rules.
TTT, you really are making a rod for your own back.
It seems I have to make it clear. Do not call members "traders".

Have to admit I am completely stumped as I have no idea of the context

The more I read it though and say the word it reminds me of how Smashy and Nicey would say ‘traitors’ !
Apologies if I have demeaned your post SpareEd
No malice intended
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SB - If you rearrange the letters in Traders, you'll find the word that TTT thought was appropriate to use (in its' hidden form) about me and others on 18th Dec. I think it was Mozz who winkled out of TTT what he actually meant.
And yet he still has no idea why he was suspended.....apparently.

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