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Immature And Pathetic

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Teapots1 | 12:00 Thu 20th Jan 2022 | News
84 Answers
Boris resorting to getting the sympathy vote from the public to save his skin. Allowing the Daily Mail to display Carrie and baby on front page, so the baby had covid, so have thousands of others.

Does he really think that this is going to win back MPs and everyone else. And for those who may think that the PM didn't have anything to do with this publication, a top journalist said late last night that the Daily Mail would have had to ask Boris's permission first before hand. Embarrassing fight back using you're Wife and child.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Actions of a desperate man.
You have got a low opinion of the people of this country teapots if you think that this storey would change anyones mined about Boris and hypocracy from all involved in Downing Street gathering's
A man has to do what a man has to do.
Must admit that when I read about the baby, my first thought was that is was for the sympathy vote.
Must admit that when I saw the headline in the OP I was expecting it to be about this yesterday at 1.09 in the clip :

Like a pathetic schoolchild when being told off
So statesmanlike !
Well, the picture won me over.
There are accusations to-day of Tory MPs being intimidated.

"William Wragg, the Hazel Grove MP who also chairs the public administration and constitutional affairs committee (PACAC), which looks into the work of government and the civil service, said whips had threatened to withdraw funding from the constituencies of MPs opposing Johnson"

Immature and pathetic - I thought - oh that is about Boris!
Immature and pathetic just about sums this spitefulness up. I just posted this elsewhere but It'll do here too.

Boris isn’t perfect. Neither am I and neither are you, but he's rallied the populace like no other, he's worked damned hard to keep this country afloat throughout unprecedented times and from where I'm sitting he's done a pretty good job. I can't think of anyone else who would - or could - have done what he's done. Like it or lump it, he's seen us through Brexit and the pandemic, and the very last thing this country needs right now is the petty-minded jumping on their pathetic political bandwagons at every opportunity for the sole purpose of bringing him down - because that's precisely what this is about. As I said the other day, if you take the moral high-ground you'd better make damn sure your place there is secure because from what I can see his holier than thou detractors are balancing rather precariously. If you and the rest of his critics succeed in your purpose you'll deserve everything you wish for - and everything you get.
CBL ( eek! ) - this is just standard whip intimidation
12.11. Tell me that is a mature man.?I know some people who act like this,,,, they are between 3/ 5. years old. BJ is an idiot .
// Boris isn’t perfect. Neither am I and neither are you,//
yeah but no but Naomi
Boris lies and you - as you so often tell us - dont
And someone you hate, annasquith - not that you have an agenda. Heaven forbid!

So who was this journalist? That picture has been shown previously so permission Last week all Boris haters were remarking that Boris was hiding, not isolating. Now they have something else too get excited about. Bloomin' media.

Avoid all media that says ,'a source said'.

And I'm not a Boris lover!!
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Bobbinwales 12.03 I didn't say I had a low opinion of the people of this country did I? If I did please show me. What I would say is that Boris seems to have a low opinion of the public to even think this will work. Most journalists have ignored this picture because they don't want to involve a baby in politics, unlike the sad Boris, who will do anything to get his own way, just like a child would actually.
// he's rallied the populace like no other,(a) he's worked damned hard to keep this country afloat (b) throughout unprecedented times and from where I'm sitting he's done a pretty good job.(c)//

oh dear isnt it a pity I can read.....
a- he had rallied the populace and then undid it all by partying whilst firing people (allegra S) who had partied and getting the police to fine other
b - no marks for effort
c. blind and deaf

I dont have the energy to go thro all the statements and refute them with easily found facts.....
PP.//CBL ( eek! ) - this is just standard whip intimidation//
It's a little more than that, I heard William Wragg on the news and he was accusing some members of blackmail and threats being made which ,if it continues, he will be reporting to the police.
Anne, I'm sorry. You have cloned into a Gully. I am beginning to think you might be Gully! And I'm not in angry mood any more, just resigned to all the bullmuck going on at the moment on this site.
Naomi, 12:27, bang on there's your BA right there Teapots.
Thankfully I’m happy to say I don’t hate anyone. A dreadful emotion to have .

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