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Record Slide In Living Standards

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Stickybottle | 15:01 Thu 03rd Feb 2022 | News
43 Answers

Gloomy forecast from the Bank of England
National insurance rise and energy bills going off the scale

Not much levelling up going on is there ? ?

Combine this with how everything is going in the world of politics right now and it would appear we are heading down a rabbit hole


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You’ve mixed two questions in there SB, your OP asks about a slide in living standards
/Nothing new here,just the Tory party breaking their manifesto promises.
.. as usual../

Of course they have.
Boris didn't use his crystal ball to forecast what was going to happen just after the election.
What did you expect!

Things happen, wars, pandamics...... Etc, etc.

Question Author
You’ve mixed two questions in there SB, your OP asks about a slide in living standards
It does not ask

It tells of the Bank of England forecast

The only question was mine and that was one of do we feel as though we are levelling up ?(it was a contrast to all the soy bites using that phrase yesterday)
Can you tell us what did you expect would happen SB ?
SB what I intend to do is look at other ways of saving like SKY tv package for example , I could reduce that, I’m a spender ( ask my husband) I will reign that in, it was going to happen anyway
The fact is that Tory's have no one better than Boris to head them at present. All MPs lie the are just better at covering them up.
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Can you tell us what did you expect would happen SB ?
I did not expect Ofgen to increase the price cap to the eye watering extent that they did

If you want some info watch this :

It is very insightful

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The fact is that Tory's have no one better than Boris to head them at present. All MPs lie the are just better at covering them up.
Maybe they do
Not sure many would do it having a disco whilst we were all in lockdown though
Then lying to parliament about it
maybe one would

That said
Not really sure what your point is in relation to the thread ?
My point is , What did you think was going to happen?
One of the more depressing things during lockdowns was knowing that it was all going to be much worse afterwards when this lot had to be paid for.
Then add on the world-wide increase in gas prices. Very predictable, but quite frightening if you are on a limited income with no chance of increasing it.
I really hope those people will get help jourdain
The facts are in my opinion is that the Tories are still the only party that can keep us going. Yes Boris lies. Most MPs lie but they are cleverer at covering up their lies. Boris is the only one fit to lead at the moment and has been a good leader in many respects. No other party can possibly get into power. Labour is a complete mess and a very weak opposition. Whether Boris goes or not, the Conservatives will stay in power. Starmer is a complete waste of space and has no charisma at all. Charisma is essential in leaders.

We ought to now be looking forward and not dwelling on parties etc. The wrongs can't be righted. But lessons should have been learned.

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My point is , What did you think was going to happen?
No idea
What did you think was going to happen ?

Did YOU expect the energy price cap to increase by a massive 54% ?
Sorry didn't realise I had posted half my reply. It still remained in the box.
I personally did foresee massive increases in utilities and the cost of living. It was inevitable. Disasters happen and we have lived and still living through one.
Yes I did maybe not as much but this hasn’t just been sprung upon us , in an ideal world there would be no price hikes but the last two years have been the most turbulent on record
it's almost as if there has been some sort of crisis!
Pat; 18:19
"Starmer is a complete waste of space and has no charisma at all. Charisma is essential in leaders."

Well, there was that uncharismatic chap who took over just after the war. :-)
I don't remember whether he was charismatic Atheist. I wasn't born until 1947. A lot of good things happened during that period though.
Pat, a little chap with silly spectacles and a bald head. I have no personal memories of him, jusy newsreels and stuf one sees on documentaries. My point is that he beat Churchill after our great victory, not because he had charisma, but because he was determined to improve the lot of those who had come through the war and deserved a better life.

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