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Perhaps we should close all minigolf putin greens.
Meanwhile, fortified no doubt by the heroic stance of the Cardiff Orchestra, the brave citizens of Melitopol, continue to come out on the streets to hurl insults at the Russian occupiers and to protest at the abduction and probable torture and murder of their mayor.
This is the sort of thing that happened in E Ukraine in 2014.
I thought they said on the news last night that the mayors of two towns had been kidnapped - or did I hear that wrong?
Thanks ael. I thought that's what they said.
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He's now got a Million dollar bounty on his head. Whether it will work I don't know, but it makes a strong point;
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& then I just saw this tragic news on front page Telegraph;

'Pregnant woman pulled from rubble of bombed hospital dies with her baby
The image of the woman on a makeshift stretcher surrounded by rubble circled the world, epitomising the horror of an attack on the innocent'
I think that happened shortly after it all kicked off, Khandro.
Avatar Image aelmpvw"

I'm talking about the mayor of Melitopol, who was filmed being abducted with a bag over his head, and was subsequently replaced by a very sinister looking female
Yes, I know you are.
Have a listen to the last two minutes (from about 13:00) ...

Then think whether you'd want to be in an audience listening to that live, or whether you'd want to be a musician on stage playing that live, in the current circumstances. Some will, some won't. I understand why they'd want to play something different.
Sorry I just don't get it.
But it is upsetting for them to play it well, too bad
I get it. It's another example of the limp cancel culture that is running amok in this country.
You clearly don't get it, if you think it's an example of cancel culture.
last para : Paree liberated by the Anglo - Saxons
one of whom was my French teacher
amidst all these gormless one-liners from the usual suspects,
have we had the V for victory morse - der der der daaah
was composed by a German, Beethoven
What is it then, ellipsis?
Slightly surprising replies from some on this thread indicate that one has to be very careful if one wants to stay in with the big nobs.
There may even be a long game afoot that's yet to become clear.

One slip and you're second string.
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Tchaikovsky wrote it to commemorate the successful Russian DEFENSE against Napoleon's invading Grande Armée in 1812, nothing to do with the present Russian attack against Ukraine, in fact it could give the Ukrainian people encouragement to stand up to a stronger aggressor.

What defeated Napoleon (apart from the weather) was the fighting spirit of the Russian people, many of whom came from Ukraine as it was part then of the Russian Empire. The Ukrainian levy en masse (nearly 75,000 men) fought in the Russian ranks against the invading French.'
Not forgetting that this country fought Napoleon too, so the music could be construed as a fitting reminder that would-be dictators can fail - and spectacularly!

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