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Can't Understand Why

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sandra4444 | 13:42 Sun 27th Mar 2022 | News
63 Answers
Putin can murder, lie, cheat, threaten, be a war criminal. But when Biden says get rid of Putin the White house back tracks. Just don't make any sense to me. Biden said what needed to be said.


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naomi: I shall, with generosity, put you assertions down as ignorance rather than overt lies:
You've posted that in the wrong section, khandro - not that it's relevant to what I said.
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Naomi 24. Your question at 19.31 albeit short is nonetheless a fully loaded one, one that politicians are struggling with.

At the moment we in the west are really no more than spectators of this slaughter, and in Putin's eyes, and now in the eyes of Ukrainians seen to be cowards.
Now I understand all the worries and threats of a WW3, but to a degree that's already in progress even if we choose for the time being to ignore it.

What would I do? Opposed to carry on doing nothing and keeping in mind not to rock the boat to much at the moment. Step1, I would put together ( I believe we already have one) a large UN humanitarian force.
Step 2. Choose a date and time this force will become operational.
Step 3. Inform Putin that this force will enter into and around Lviv and operate in all areas stretching to Kyiv, stopping at the Dnieper river.

It should be made clear that this force is there for one reason only, to rescue civilians / refugees, and for safe passage back to Lviv.
It should also be made clear that any aggression shown to the force will not be acceptable.

The idea above is to get our foot in the door without pointing a gun at Putin, and at the same time leaving him and his commander's with a big dilemma. Plus we can hopefully get people back to safety, or at least try.

Now I will leave you, and maybe a few more to blow my plans to bits. :)
Good plan sandra! But I would just nuke the bar stewards!
but I may be a bit of a hawk!
Sandra, I’ve no intention of blowing your plan to bits. I’m not at war with you. However, whilst it would be beneficial in a humanitarian capacity, I don’t see it having any effect on Putin’s determined grab for Ukraine.
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He needs a way out I think, and a way out to save face.
Not that I believe much of what comes out of the Kremlin but there was talk that he would just turn his attention to the very East. The missile attack in Lviv over the weekend was just a welcome for Biden, that's how childish this nutter is I'm afraid.

Allowing the UN to carry out such an operation without further bombardment would be an opportunity for him to cease fire on humanitarian grounds, and may be get support back home, and that he needs big time.

The only other option I can think of is getting Jason Statham. No amount of security seems to stop this chap, so getting into the Kremlin should be a walk in the park. BANG!! Putin's gone, a terrible accident.
007 is no longer with us. :)
// Question AuthorHe needs a way out I think//
he just doesnt act as tho he wants any way out besides capitulation
The Russians are targeting fuel and munitions stores in various places.
It will be very interesting to see what progress they make in E Ukraine against the best units of the Ukrainian army.
Sadly I don’t think there’s any chance of UN intervention, certainly not in a combat role. The Ukraine army is doing ok but needs more weapons. Britain has been one of the top suppliers. Countries like Estonia have shamed the lines of France and Germany given their size and their position on the “front line”
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I don't mean the UN in a combat role ichkeria. They go in on a humanitarian role. That leaves Putin with a big dilemma. Do I carry on bombing the area's that the UN are operating in, or do I stop?
I think the UN were in Syria while the war was still going on?
UN, US & NATO have been training and holding large-scale exercises with the Ukrainian forces in western Ukraine since 2014, that's why the Ukraine troops are so efficient. Presumably there are a lot still there, but not under those flags.
Biden's every word is carefully scripted for him by others, and as soon as he varies from it, he puts his foot in it. The White House response was instant, and laughably false. As many others have pointed out, Putin exploits every perceivable weakness.
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The thing that's really laughable is Biden is using words and Putin is using bombs and murdering people. Who gets it in the neck for what some see, a slip of the tongue.
naomi - // You didn’t ask what we should do, Sandra. You said you couldn’t understand why the White House back tracked on Biden’s comment. Left as it was it could have been interpreted by Russia as deliberate aggression - a declaration of war if you like - cue nukes. I don’t doubt it’s been said behind closed doors in Washington but I wouldn’t have thought it was intended for a global audience. Silly old duffer. //

That just about sums it up.

Politicians going off script and giving their personal opinions without thinking first only ever leads to trouble.
sandra - Putin's instability is clear, ill-considered emotional nonsense uttered by the President of the USA can only ever be seen by him as provocation, something anyone should be keen to avoid.
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I only see aggression coming from Russia Andy, along with provocation in the form of threatening nukes. Or did Putin go off script also?
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“I don't mean the UN in a combat role ichkeria. They go in on a humanitarian role. That leaves Putin with a big dilemma. Do I carry on bombing the area's that the UN are operating in, or do I stop?”

I think I know the answer to that particular dilemma :-)
Plainly the man has no moral scruples of any sort.
The UN is hamstrung by the fact Russia and indeed China are permanent members of the UNSC.
It’s not exactly a case of the lunatics running the asylum. But mighty close.
But I can only laugh at the fear we might “provoke Putin”.
For someone already engaging in shameless savagery, lies and propaganda, provocation has no meaning
//I can only laugh at the fear we might “provoke Putin”. //

Not 'fear' but rather wise caution - certainly nothing to laugh at. Nuclear war must be the very last resort.
sandra - // I only see aggression coming from Russia Andy, along with provocation in the form of threatening nukes. Or did Putin go off script also? //

Putin is on script - because as a dictator, he writes the script.

Biden is head of a democracy, he has to be more careful, he has people to answer to, Putin doesn't.

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