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William & Kate

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smurfchops | 17:21 Sun 27th Mar 2022 | News
41 Answers
What was the point of that cringeworthy trip, and who paid for it?
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I don't know - folks are saying W&K will make a wonderful king & queen but some in the Commonwealth obviously aren't convinced.
Who funded it is academic. I suspect William has now realised that this is outdated and somewhat condescending. I feel that this is the last the UK will see this type of visit.
Visit and learn but don't parade for the masses.
All part of the queen’s jubilee year celebrations. I guess the public purse funded it. I bet they’re pleased it’s over.
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Yes, bet they wished they were at home with the kids and not being paraded around like that.
They managed to put on happy, smiley faces throughout, despite the underlying disgruntlement.

What a rotten, weary some job! I bet they were extremely relieved to get onto the plane home.
Never mind you can all go up to Brum later this year to see some more from the firm flinging javelins and things
Must admit it did feel a very awkward trip especially when they were paraded round in the Land Rover. I wonder if anymore trips like this have been planned.
Apparently the trip was paid for by the host countries, Sovereign Grant money given to the monarchy by the British Treasury, and Britain’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office.

Whoever was paid to set up the 'Shaking Hands with Black People Through a Wire Fence' activity certainly delivered, worth every penny.
//What a rotten, weary some job! //

None of seem to be in a great hurry to give it up.
// None of seem to be in a great hurry to give it up //

Many are under the mistaken impression it all still means something current and important to swathes of the world. Hopefully this shambles is a wake up call to the fact Royalty's time has passed rather than the locals 'not getting it'. Our Royal history is one of the most famous in the world but history is where it belongs.
I wonder who the sea islanders replaced the Duck of Edinburgh with as their "god".
Prince Andrew perhaps is the answer to Davebro's question....could be an excellent win-win all around.
*south* sea islanders
//while the men drank kava//

Oh well - at least he was an excuse for a good ***-up!
> None of seem to be in a great hurry to give it up

Prince William tells Caribbean nations that any decisions to become republics will be 'supported'
You have to love the photograph of W/K greeting the public through a high chain linked fence. It was disgusting to see.
Take the time to find out why that happened, anneasquith, and your disgust might - just for once - abate - at least for a moment.

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