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Is Captain Hindsight Going Into Hiding?

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lankeela | 18:07 Sun 08th May 2022 | News
71 Answers
"Labour has cancelled an event for Monday in which Sir Keir was due to give a speech and take questions from journalists ahead of Tuesday's Queen's Speech.

The Institute for Government think tank, which was hosting the event, was not given any specific reasons for why Labour had cancelled it.

The Labour Party has declined to comment."


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They are probably giving Boris more air time to make a bigger p*a* of himself before the queens speech.
Probably hiding under the same rock as Sunak, who inexplicably disappeared off the radar since his FPN.
He is too cowardly to face the barage of "off piste" questions that the media, particularly the compulsory tax funded one(sarc), will fire at him if he shows his inanimate face. Boris went out and endured a blizzard of cant and hyperbole, taking it it his stride like a true statesman. Max Headroom is not fit to open the door for Boris never mind his bottle of Chateaux Collapso.
AB has become a joke lately. This isn’t political debate, it is playground stuff. I’ll sit this one out ;-)
you seemed to like it when Boris was getting flack Gromit!
I always thought Gromit was a Corbynista,3T.Seems i was wrong.
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"geriatric playground"?Speak for yersel hun.
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Hun(noun),A Scottish term of affection.(Shortened from the word honey).
Huge interest in everything we do in the outbacks of the World it seems. They wanted us out of their politics, but like the entitled luvvies that they are have a need to involve themselves( if only to be ill mannered) in ours.

//‘Mr Rules’ Keir Starmer ‘cowers’ from beergate claims as he cancels public appearance//

Gromit; //AB has become a joke lately. This isn’t political debate, it is playground stuff. I’ll sit this one out ;-)//

The moment Starmer's probity is challenged (instead of Johnson's) you rush to join him under the nearest convenient rock.

Quelle hypocrisie !
Like Gromit, SKS is indeed going into hiding, although he won't be able to hide tomorrow.

Gromit has been incredibly critical of BJ not having a piece of cake, and very supporting of SKS's beer and curry social - the latter as recently as Friday; the spin he's employed would have made a Dervish dizzy.

I couldn't give a tinker's cuss about BJ not having a piece of cake or SKS and Raynor enjoying a beer and curry social, and I don't think either are resigning matters, but it is the rank hypocrisy that rankles. SKS was calling for BJ's resignation during the investigation, and therefore as SKS is now being investigated, he should do what he was demanding of Johnson and resign - anything else is the rank hypocrisy mentioned above.

SKS's position is untenable, and cannot be defended, and that's the sole reason he's done a disappearing act today, and that's also why Gromit has decided not to participate in this thread.
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08:11 Mon, do you have a fixation with AH, 1ozzy? You said something very similar to me the other day.
I think they may "share" the same likes and issues Naomi. ... Themselves. :))
I feel much the same as DD above.

Having said that though I think it is wise to not go to what would amount to a public lynching. Same happened to Johnson and it really doesnt help when (I think) the majority of the public want to hear what they have to say on a range of pertinent topics not just one.

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