What on earth is he thinking? He says if he receives a FPN he'll resign. Farewell then his 'vision' for Britain. But if he is not served with a FPN he'll carry on. So how does this ridiculous stunt further Labour prospects?
DH, if you don’t support Starmer you’ve given a very good impression otherwise. Like you I have no idea what Starmer’s vision for Britain is because he never says anything of substance. Boris, on the other hand, says quite a lot but you’ll have to google it. I can’t post links from my phone.
Avatar Image naomi24
DH, if you don’t support Starmer you’ve given a very good impression otherwise. Like you I have no idea what Starmer’s vision for Britain is.
How odd? You gave the impression earlier that you knew what his vision for Britain was and called him an insulting name.
What if it were to scrap the National Insurance hike and impose a windfall tax on Shell etc to stave off the cost of living crisis?
So like you, I’ve absolutely no idea and I’m guessing but whatever the vision was or is it is undoubtedly better than the current political morass and looming domestic crisis that we are currently feeling or awaiting with impending doom.
As someone once said, thanks for nothing.
Boris, on the other hand, says quite a lot but you’ll have to google it. I can’t post links from my phone.
All I ever hear is that he wants to get on with the job of delivering for the British people.
At present it feels like all we are receiving is a giant pile of excrement in regular instalments from an habitual and serial liar and I don’t require Google for that.
Avatar Image youngmafbog
//So like you, I’ve absolutely no idea and I’m guessing but whatever the vision was or is it is undoubtedly better than the current political morass//
But you really dont know do you?
Correct, I don’t know, I said as much, you’re sharp as a tack. Thus, I would not dismiss him out of hand.
naomi24 gave the impression she already knew, hence I asked her.
Avatar Image youngmafbog
Your quite obnoxious aren't you DH.
Especially for someone *new*
Ah, someone else said that the other day.
Please don’t get as paranoid as ToraToraTora, he reckons that so far I am any one of 4 previous users of this forum.
Try not to feel threatened by reasoned argument and opinion on a fairly decent intellectual level, you’ve really no need to be worried nor feel inferior.
Don’t become Kato to Inspector Clouless, present reasoned argument and discussion instead.
It’s you’re and you should put a question mark after the DH.
The new guy is always happy to help improve spelling and grammar, it makes for better discussion.
What sort of narcissist issues a challenge to a duel when they have no weapons ... or discernable abilities, that suggest they have either the stomach for a fight or the courage(bottle to you) to face a danger in the first place? I wonder what his mush looks like right now. He looks distraught when he is deliriously happy. He must be a picture of abject pity.
Avatar Image Paigntonian
Question Author Labour deserves better. Our democracy needs someone better, whichever side you're on . Goodness only knows how he headed the CPS.
Absolutely. Why on earth would we want our politicians to act with honesty, integrity, honour and a sense of duty?
If we were really unlucky we could end up with a serial liar and narcissist with a propensity for law breaking, dodgy dealings with Russians and partying regularly whilst the country followed the rules and legislation that was introduced whilst subsequently misleading Parliament about it.
Who would want that?
Paigntonian, going back to your OP. I think KS has a vision of Britain which involves honesty, morality and rule of law. I don't think that he would pull any 'stunt' just to further Labour's prospects, I think he really cares about our country, even if it costs him personally.