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gulliver1 | 11:43 Wed 11th May 2022 | News
47 Answers
So Boris Takes the Cowards way out of having to face the opposition at PMQs today after losing nearly 500 seats in last week elections.
He just cancells it and goes on a trip to Sweden..
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On a point of information, it hasn't been cancelled.
MPs are debating the Queen's speech
And of course trips abroad (for any politician) are arranged on the fly aren't they.
I think something like a week's notice of PMQs has to be given and since Parliament wasn't in session last week, no notice was given.
Gulliver // goes on a trip to Sweden..//
He is not going on trip, he is going on Government business to meet a head of state.
Another ridiculous post from Gulliver.
Defend the leader! ;-)
what an idiotic post, there is no PMQs today and you should be grateful, your man would get another pasting. What with Rubygate etc.
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He's gone on a jolly, And the usual a/b fan boys and girls have jumped in to defend him.
Nice try but you're about a decade too late with Rubygate...
What was that, Corby?
When is PMQs ever cancelled other than when other business takes priority (as now) or when parliament is not in session? Doesn't someone just stand in for the PM or leader of the opposition?
Arguably this was a bad time for Johnson to go to Sweden if he was trying to hide. He should have gone next week.

I'm fine with criticism of the PM and this government, but this silly pot shots with toy guns that don't fire real bullets just look ridiculous.
danny, he knows. I'm just surprised his ramblings attract any support at all - but clearly they do. Quite bizarre.
Oh, I see, Corby. Thanks. A poor comparison though.
Is anyone else using the name "Rubygate"?
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Think Boris should be getting his own Country in order first, because it's in a right shambles at the moment thanks to him and his Crony party.
When TTT uses it, Corby, it means something entirely different.. but you know that. One could be forgiven for thinking you’re just having yet another dig at him.
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13.57 TTT It was Boris who lost the 481 seats last thursday not Sir Keir ,,or are you wearing your Boris issued Blinkers again .
gully, mid term me old china, means nothing, Your here St Tony Lost 3 times that to Hague, he still won the next election.

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