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Young Footballer 'Comes Out'

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Paigntonian | 10:03 Tue 17th May 2022 | News
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as gay. Who cares? 'I want people to know the real me', he says. His sexuality is of no concern to me or, I imagine, the vast majority of people.


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Couldn't care less. I've never heard of the 'unreal' him.
10:08 Tue 17th May 2022
I thought it very brave of him to openly admit to being gay in what is essentially a macho world. I am sure there are others but none haver had the guts to 'come out' since poor Justin Fashanu back in 1990.
Couldn't care less. I've never heard of the 'unreal' him.
Paigntonion, I have some sympathy with your post.
Yesterday we had nothing but his "coming out" in the media and today it is continuing wall to wall about our gay Blackpool footballer.

Seems important to the gays, but leaves me cold.
I am so pleased he can be himself at last.
Macho world? You're 'avin a giraffe.

Primped, preened and posturing more like, worthy of a drag queen dressing room.
i think time will tell if it concerns the majority of football fans. If he starts getting on the pitch abuse, which, let's face it isnt beyond the realms of possibility, we'll see whether it was the right thing to do. It's great that you don't care about his sexuality (why should you),but i do worry that football "fans" might
"You're 'avin a giraffe"

Careful Doug, you're morphing into TTT.
He probably did it because somebody was trying to make money from the media, or the media was going to out him.
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Don't we have other things to think about rather than a 17-year-old footballer who's is so self-obsessed that he thinks he has changed the world by making an announcement about his preferred sexual partners.
he kind of is "changing the world" hopefully. Football is traditionally averse to pronouncements of homosexuality. hopefully he is normalising it
There is still a lot of hatred out there towards homosexuality, I have seen it first hand when my brother came out.
You do have to be brave and have a good support network to cope with the negativity that you will face.
I thought they were all gay anyway.
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Going to the pub soon and I've decided to come out as straight.
"Macho world?" - you're having a Turkish! You never saw Sir Stan pretending he was injured.
Lots more hugs and kisses for him in the next match. If ever he scores a goal, there will be a right pile up on top of him now they all know. :)
Paigntonian, that's called coming in apparently. One of the Village people had to own up to being straight!
^paigntonian...that's just the point - you do't have to, everybody will assume it. I suspect that unless you are gay (or have a close family member who is), you can't possibly understand the significance of coming out.
It is only recently he has 'come out' to his sister and his mother. When he made the announcement to the press, he didn't call a press conference. It's not entirely his fault the story has garnered 'wall to wall' coverage.
Don't suppose Tangerine fans will be bothered about his sexuality as long as he is banging goals in for them. However, a small minority opposing fans will show their true colours, no doubt.
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Tora: Didn't know that one! 'Coming In' does, however, seem to have rather direct sexual connotations...
"I thought they were all gay anyway."

Got them confused with rugby players, TTT.

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