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High Court Asylum Protestors

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fender62 | 14:31 Mon 13th Jun 2022 | News
58 Answers
watching the news and seeing the protestors outside the court, reaffirms my belief they must all be on benefits and want the illegals to stay and ermm be on benefits to, oh the irony of it.
i dont have a link, what are you thoughts.


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^^^ agree
What do these protesters propose as a solution to the migrant problem?
As far as I’m aware they don’t see it as a problem, Dave. Sensible as they are, they would let them all in.
Well done to Priti Patel and Boris. May it be the first of many flights back to the "Country of Origin" for these illegal immigrants. Should also be billing the Rwandan government for the cost of the flight.
Is there a refresher for those who misunderstand?
Who’s going to tell Hazi?
I nominate you, DD. ;o)
Bob in Wales@15:52
\\Am no lover of priti Patel and no Tory but the protestors seem to be missing 2 points... one these people are economic migrants coming from France not a war torn country and two the point of the Rwanda move is to detter people from paying smulgglers to risk there lives...the point is to get them to use the legal asylum claims route.//

And..The people smugglers are almost certainly involved in child trafficking, the trafficking of women into prostitution and drug smuggling and other organised crime.

They are most certainly doing it out of the goodness of their heart.
The Irony of this Tory Govt.
Send immigrants off to Rwanda.
Priti Patel ,daughter of Indian parents who emigrated to Uganda then immigrated to UK. Boris Johnson Born east side of New york later immigrated to Uk another case of the Cons saying do not do as I do....Do as I SAY.
Mmmm, and they came across in a dinghy ( hahaha)
Gulliver, you do know the difference between legal and illegal immigrants don’t you? No, ok you don’t.
all, stop trying to credit gulliver with any thought processes he has none.
> Priti Patel was born in London in 1972 to Ugandan Indian immigrants who had fled East Africa

Can we apply this policy retrospectively, and deport Priti Patel to Rwanda? Or at least her parents ...
my post at 18:33
They are most certainly doing it out of the goodness of their heart.

Should read

They are most certainly not doing it out of the goodness of their heart.
Why ellipsis? They came here legally.
Ugandan Indians were expelled by Idi Amin and welcomed by the UK, and many of them made successful lives here, so, to answer the question from Ellipses, err, No.
Is everyone being deported an illegal immigrant, Naomi? So all legal asylum seekers get to stay here?

No. At least 26 out of the original 37 that were going to be deported have now been allowed to stay following legal challenges by people like the protestors in the OP.

If Priti Patel's parents were among that 37, and nobody was protesting on their behalf, they'd be out and she would never have been born here.
> Ugandan Indians were expelled by Idi Amin

Fast forward 50 years, and now Britain is playing the role of Idi Amin, expelling legal immigrants (genuine asylum seekers) to far flung destinations. The protests are stopping this export. Priti Patel should be fully supporting such protests, but of course she isn't ...

I thought the rules were clear. Apply for asylum in the first country of safety you reach. Those crossing the channel should have applied in any one of the continental/ European country they first landed in. They are therefore illegal immigrants to the UK.

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