Tora, why when you're on here, stating you're a Tory party member, talking about the party hustings, don't you abide by even the "minimum standards of behaviour" that you agreed to when becoming a member?
The Party expects basic standards of behaviour from its members. The Party can fairly expect these standards, equally, from all its members no matter who they are or what position they hold in the Party.
Every Party member must not discriminate against, bully, harass or victimise any other person because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. These are called the “protected characteristics” and are found in the Equality Act 2010.
Anti-bullying and harassment
Every Party member must not bully or harass anyone for any reason.
Tolerance and Respect of other Individuals
Political discourse can be very robust and adversarial. People are entitled to hold and express opinions, views and outlooks that others may strongly disagree with.
However, whatever they might think about those opinions, views and outlooks, Party members are expected to have basic, common respect for, and tolerate, those individuals who may offer them and have the right to express them.