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douglas9401 | 11:39 Thu 15th Sep 2022 | News
10 Answers
Kwarteng says '.we'll call it the eighties and give everyone red braces.'

What could possibly go wrong?


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Giving their mates and benefactors one last chance at a money-grab before they’re ousted from power.
Question Author
Thanks Tora. One for you too.
Just out of interest Douglas, do you have a problem with salesmen being paid commission?
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I'll not be getting into that with someone who likes to hint at their earnings now and then, thanks.
So you dont really have a reply then do you?

My income doesn't have anything to do with this. I dont work in Banking.
//So you dont really have a reply then do you?

My income doesn't have anything to do with this. I dont work in Banking.//

Lol, of course not…..
Question Author
I may have an answer but choose not to give it to a hectoring drone on the internet.

Wait and see.
Hectoring drone.

You mean someone who has posed a reasonable and simple question that you dont have an answer to? How bizarre.

Yes I was part of Thatchers Yoof. I had a great time. But this has zero to do with this. Its just the way they get paid.

And we have to compete with NY and others outside the EU for the best people (not me). Many of these people burn out so they look for the most brass they can get while they can get it.

oops, got a live one there YMB!

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