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Zacs - // OK, I'll rephrase my question. What are the harmful effects of people like KH using platforms such as Twitter? //
Probably next to none at all.
Of the contributors to Twitter, I would guess conservatively, that around 0.000000001% of them actually have anything of value in terms of facts or opinions to share with the wider world.
The rest populate the downside of 'social' media, which means that any idiot with a keyboard and a connection automatically assumes that the two things empower them to share their witless pin-headed bigoted drivel with the rest of the world, and that said world gives a rat's bottom about what they think about anything whatsoever.
Since Ms Hopkins falls entirely into the second category, I bother not one jot that she could again spend her time in the cyber-equivalent of shouting into a bucket - she is entirely where she belongs.
Should she ever regain more high-profile outlets such as the radio show and newspaper column she quite rightly lost, then i would worry more - because she could potentially reach an audience who could react to her nasty racist violent views, even though I strongly suspect she espouses them purely for the money they generate.
So I have no qualms about Ms Hopkins spilling her bile onto her keyboard and out into the yawning abyss of utter indifference that is Twitter, where having a chance to vent is reason enough to participate, even if the world as whole is not listening, because it couldn't care less.
She and it deserve each other.