TORY Peer Michelle Mone and her children Raked in a Thumping £29m from Covid PPE contracts. After recommending PPE Medpro for £203m worth of Govt contracts .This £29m was crammed into offshore acounts and trust funds that she and her adult children benefited from.
Think she should now change her surname from Mone to Money.
Bobbinwales @ 21.56 Don't waste your precious five minute breaks on answering my posts .It's not compulsory, but thanks anyway, nice of you to think of me.
Mr Gulliver is a serial wind up merchant who enjoys stirring any Tory pot and then sits back to enjoy the rants and raves of all those who swallow his hook, line and sinker. Stop it all of you. Just do what I now do and read his post, smirk and switch to a genuine post of interest. He is nobody's fool but a wind up practitioner who delights in watching SOME of us ABers getting all hot under the collar. QED
He has brought to the attention of ABers, a disconcerting matter of interest to the public.
PPE company underperforming on its contractual agreement. £££Tens of millions deposited in off shore bank accounts (that would have bought a respirator or two, as well as a few masks and surgical gowns). All linked to a Baroness through the controversial VIP lane.
Unquestionably this deserved an investigation, surely!
The Department of Health is still in dispute now with PPE Medro over millions of surgical gowns which this Tory Govt paid out £122m of tax payers money to in 2020 .
Do you know, had she trousered £50 grand under the guise of a brokerage or consultancy fee, most people would have perhaps thought... Arrhh well, that's business.
However, the sums in question equate to life changing amounts of money, not just for one person but several tens of ordinary folk!
Equally scathing is the manner in which the contract was awarded!
Four Properties linked to PPE Medpro including a,
£25m Isle of Man luxury villa were raided by the NCA investigating Fraud by PPE Medpro Also Lady Money's London was raided at the same time and officers seized documents and electronic devices.
Seems like the Tories have been all in it together again
There has got to be a case for fraud here ,Money's husband ..... Douglas Barrowman who owns a tax avoidance business which recruited thousand of Doctors ,nurses And It workers etc .It all fits in.
@11.30.Aye,up here in Scotland there is a certain couple.One has £20 million to squander,her husband has made off with 600 grand of SNPs mugs...sorry,members money.Perhaps Mone can sell it to this select couple.