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Riots Erupt In Belgian And Dutch Cities After Morocco World Cup Win

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naomi24 | 09:35 Mon 28th Nov 2022 | News
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What is it about football that prompts this disgusting behaviour? I can't think of any other sport that has a similar effect.


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A friend of mine, who is a duty solicitor, is hoping to be called out to the police station tonight to represent someone who has trashed somewhere after the match. He said he will pretend he didn't know anything about a football tournament. Oh, really? World Cup? Where's that happening then? Is England playing?
He would too.
@07.21.Based in Wales is he this solicitor friend of yours?
No. But he's hoping!
However, he has a very interesting true story of how a nobody, conned millions out of "football". A story that the football authorities don't want anyone to know about. I keep telling him to write the book. And I'm sure it'd make a good documentary.
Only asking,because if Wales play the same way against England as they played against Iran,Wales will be at the wrong end of a 15-0 thrashing.
from what's been said England weren't any better against the USA.
I know a certain ex-footballer who has conned the British tv license paying public out of millions also.
I think all ex-footballers are conning the TV companies. I don't watch the half time gubbins, and I turn the sound down during the match. However, this was a con of gigantic proportions against "football". I'm not going into details on here, but here's a question related to the con: How many corner flags can you fit into a domestic garage? Mmmm.

Emmie, the "dynamics" of world football have changed. The plucky little no hopers now have players in the best leagues in the world. The problem is many England players are not good enough to get into those same teams.
Sounds a bit perplexing,old boy.Was he stealing corner flags or something?
DrM could be, i wish them well all the same,
i can't watch England matches, i get too nervous for them.
One contributing factor to violence IMHO, if we go back to the 70s/80s, football was presided over by a referee with the assistance of two linesmen.

Incidents such as and for example, fouls, handball, offside etc are not always easily discernible,. The ultimate decision being that of the referee alone.

This very often led to one set of fans vehmently protesting against the referee's ruling, whilst the opposing fans in their glee, would goad that section of supporters who were boiling over with anger and frustration.

What ensued, parts of the stadium chanting in unison, 'The referee's a love child'.

Furthermore, such was the fury, this was to spill outside of the ground post match. In the absence of adequate policing, violent clashes could easily result.

Political reasons are definitely another cause of crowd disturbance. This was seen last week.

When Wales played Iran, the latter team chose not to sing their national anthem. Post match clashes between rival Iranian fans occurred outside the stadium.

Clearly politically motivated. Testimony that the Ayatollah still retains his own supporters.
However, he has a very interesting true story of how a nobody, conned millions out of "football". A story that the football authorities don't want anyone to know about. I keep telling him to write the book. And I'm sure it'd make a good documentary.

Will Alan Hansen get a mention?
naomi - // Oh good grief! Yet another thread killed stone dead. Nothing left to say except abandon hope all ye who enter here! //

Rather underlining my previous point - the thread is not 'killed stone dead just because you decide to pronounce it so.

Clearly the thread is still running, without your input, since you said yesterday you were abandoning it - except you weren't really ...
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AH,//you said yesterday you were abandoning it //

I didn't say that. I said I’ve given up here until Groundhog Day is over... which subsequently I thought it was ...but still you rumble on.
Naomi - As do you. But as we both know, it's not about us ...
Question Author
It's certainly not about me.
‘Rather underlining my previous point - the thread is not 'killed stone dead just because you decide to pronounce it so’

You’d do well to practise what you preach, Andy:
‘Any posts continuing this pointless nonsense, I will ignore, in the interests of not derailing the thread by facilitating your determination to drive it into a dead end’
15:00 Wed 23rd Nov 2022Report

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