Its not there job to fund foodbanks... its there job to ensure minimum wage is right, benefits and pensions are sufficient, housing is available for the poorest, tax rates are nil or low for low earners, people are encouraged to find work, have healthy lifestyles and use money wisely.
I don’t like the woman, but I agree with her (to an extent).
The Government is not a registered charity.
If people are short of food as a result of the Governments policies, we can only vote them out when we next get the opportunity.
I don't think it is the government's job to help food banks. I do think that it is the government's job to provide a society and economy where all decent, working people - and those in need through no fault of their own - don't need to have recourse to them.
I have a hand in helping to encourage people to support our local food bank and they have been more and more 'snowed under' for years now. It's getting embarrassing to keep using the same sort of wording every year. My local paper currently carries a story I wrote about how everyone can contribute and I'm about to gee-up our village and remind them of the box in the church porch.
Some people are desperate through no fault of their own. Women with small children who cannot go back to work yet and whose husband has walked out for instance. There are lots of genuine reasons.