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When Will King Charlie Grow A Pair

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smurfchops | 19:24 Thu 08th Dec 2022 | News
93 Answers
And get rid of the Duke and Duchess titles for Harry and MeAgain?


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Zacs - // Maybe you weren’t, Choux, but Andy said he’d be happy to stand corrected if proven wrong. //

Indeed I am - please see the post above , which cross-posted with yours.
Marvellous. I’m trying to find the apostolation (or whatever it was) thread. Maybe someone removed it?
Zacs, might it have been Proprietary Estoppel?
That’s the one, doooogie! Top man.
Nae bother.
Apologies to smurfchops for going off topic.
Should really be in chatterbank anyway.
// How were people made to toe the line, Archie? //

In my opinion it was because society in general cared more about the monarchy so it was less acceptable for an individual to, for instance, throw eggs at them, and overall less people wanted to, but the frequency of such events seems to be increasing. Back in the day people would get executed for forms of treason, wouldn't happen how.
(Shakes head and wonders where to begin answering. Decides not to bother)
there real or imagined story like any story will just fade, the public will tire of it, rehashed over and over, that adage news today, schip wrapper tommorow, or becomes like the wallis simpson stories...
thye can only trash his family so much, mmm run out of racist stories real or imagined, if i were charles id just not invite over for any royal celebrations as thye will find something racist about that to, only personal visits to him, sad that harry and megain exploited there position to make money by trashing his family, but thats so american.
monarchs don't lightly disinherit their children. Andrew was stepped down for hanging out with a paedophile and his victims. Harry just hangs out with a black woman, which some people seem to think is just as bad; but most don't.
Perhaps King Charles loves his son despite it all and has no intention or desire to, as you call it, "grow a pair". It's quite possible the two men have spoken about what's to happen in the future when Harry was here for the Queen's funeral.
I'm sure the current posters on the still-running 15-year-old thread will be delighted at their public outing.

As for HMKC he'll probably grow a pair when Nelson gets his eye back.
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Not private or inconspicuous in the slightest now...
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The difference being doing it consciously or unconsciously.

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