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Prince Harry

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nero2024 | 12:41 Fri 06th Jan 2023 | News
23 Answers
how can the taliban accuse him of war crimes as he's stated that he killed taliban ,its a war, people die ? war crimes as far as i've always understood are those the break the geneva convention


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Or Harry!!
The Taliban don't follow Western convention, they make their own

O god andie irrelevant and wrong. sizza.
This should be: The Taliban don't follow Geneva conventions, they make their own.
they also claim right under the convention as indeed they are allowed to do - whether or not we ( Talib) are signatories the Brits and Americans have to

because that is how law works, Andy

war crimes as far as i've always understood are those the break the geneva convention

so.... if you have nt broken the convention, you havent done a war crime? nope I dont think that is the case. With no great enthusiasm I will re-read the War rimes Act 1994
Not one of Parliaments great victories - passed under the Parliament act AND made retroactive

One prince a child molester, and another a war criminal
no wonder no one wanted dear Princess Eliz\abeth to marry a Hun
Don't bother looking for logic in anything the Taliban says.
Don't bother looking for logic in anything anyone on this thread says.

xc my fave Barmaid that is!

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