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Is Her Punishment Enough?

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wolf63 | 16:43 Tue 14th Mar 2023 | News
22 Answers
I think that accusing someone of rape when you know that they are completely innocent is inexcusable. She has done so much harm to these men and, perhaps, to women who try to report a rape in the future - will they be believed.


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Damn savage........etc
It was 17 years before the reductions for age etc.
I agree it is despicable.
The sentence is more than most rapists serve.
Not many sentences seem enough for crimes which affect people in a very profound way though
She wrecked those men’s lives.
I think the sentence is just about right.
The girl needs help.
She seems to be clever, manipulative, a liar and lacking in human remorse. Classic signs of a sociopath. The sentence seems adequate but I don't think anything will change her. Watch out when she gets released.
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I'm sure that she will still consider herself to be a victim but it is all of her own makings.

I saw mention of her having suffered childhood trauma, but there was no more said about it. Her crimes were planned out and as Prudie states - she had no concerns about the impact that it would have on the innocent men involved

Her crimes weren't just planned - it was carried out over a long period, compared to, say, a sudden, unpremeditated act of violence that resulted in significant harm.
What a terrible thing to do and on such a large scale.
I think it might just stop some women from coming forward if they have been raped.
Lets hope she gets some psychiatric help while she's in prison.
no not enough ..out in 4 its a disgrace
She should receive a punishment commensurate with four rapes, consecutively. WHen she's released she'll do it again unless stopped. Any help she gets should not come from the public purse.
The harm done is to genuine rape victims - a significant number of misogynistic rapists will now use it as a claim in their defence ("she's obviously lying etc etc") and too many of the predominantly patriarchal Judiciary will willingly go along with it.
For most women, being raped must run a close second to being murdered. In fact some of them might prefer to be done in as many rape victims never get over their ordeal.

Similarly, for many men, being falsely accused of rape must run a close second to being falsely accused of murder. Many men never get over a false allegation of rape and it is the most despicable perversion of the course of justice that I can imagine. PCoJ carries a maximum sentence of Life imprisonment and I believe this particular odious individual should have received such a sentence.
//...and too many of the predominantly patriarchal Judiciary will willingly go along with it.//

Fortunately it is not within the judge's gift to decide who is telling the truth and who is not. Matters of fact are left to the jury.
//The sentence is more than most rapists serve.//

The sentence she received is too low, as is the sentence many rapists get.
Silly beech has just given the actual asian grooming gangs a get out of jail free card.
I thought she wd be sent to a Prison for the Mad - as there is clearly something wrong with her
you know where all the Abers are
But the tests have been done and she is sane ( in a legal sense)

Muvva and sista testified 'against her'. That is said she cd not have been auctioned in Amsterdam ( where she had gone wivver relations) as they did not leave her side.

Can you imagine conversations at the home?
Muvva: look you have to back down - they can show a lorra of what you said didnt happen
"Victim" it did! it did! and no one believes me! woe is me. I am an abused woman all alone in the world! O cruel world....
Silly beech has just given the actual asian grooming gangs a get out of jail free card.

foo no! usual crap! - oops I mean in my opinion there is case law against. - That is the " she lies! they all do!" can only be used if the new case 'touches' the old.
You know like it is her blaarting again about someone else

The case is - - with the notoriously corrupt West Mids Crime Squad. when a lawyer attempted to get his shop lifting client off with
" chrissakes Judgie baby, they are all bent as er coppers, you cant believe a word anyone of them says"
The judge ( 'judgie baby') said - "that is not good enough. you have to show the officer was involved in one of the corrupt cases AND it is relevant to this current one"

and I think this is a direct parallel to the so called rape case
in my opinion that is.

The real ground shift is that Allison Saunders ( ex DPP disgraced but still v rich in my opinion) instruction - 'you will be believed' (*)
has been watered down to ' you will be taken seriously'

"You will be believed" puts the burden of proof on the accused to disprove ( no evidence against, well you did it then)
and oddly enough I was the only one in the UK to nitice that. ( from experience I might add)

//The real ground shift is that Allison Saunders ( ex DPP disgraced but still v rich in my opinion) instruction - 'you will be believed' (*)
has been watered down to ' you will be taken seriously'//

It's worse than that, Peter. It starts with the police. They used to operate on the principle of "ABC" - Accept nothing; Believe nobody; Check everything. Now they have a starting point of believing everything they are told – especially when dealing with allegations of historical sex offences. Nowhere was this more evident than in the case of Carl Beech (aka "Nick") who made allegations of serious paedophile activity among people in high places. Despite having similar allegations dismissed just a couple of years earlier, his story was accepted by senior police officers as being “credible and true” despite it being utter fantasy – something which even the most basic of investigations would have revealed. His allegations destroyed the reputations and lives of a number of prominent people including Lord Brittain, Lord Bramall and Harvey Proctor.
The problem with the Beech case was the constant haranguing by the Nonse Finder General to plod. Now in the House of Lords of course.
o god remind me who the nonsense finder general is / was
one is leader of Labour

Ally Saunders is with a magic circle firm advising on appeals against govt decisions - nice work if you can get it, AL!

readers do realise Beech is used in two VERY different senses innit?

I thought Beech's psych had broken confidentiality in the public interest ( " mad he is, completely fou")

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