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All Kicking Off In France

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youngmafbog | 13:04 Fri 17th Mar 2023 | News
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UK state pension was due to Raise the pension age for both women and men from 65 to 68 between 2024 and 2046 in the Pensions Act 2007.
When the Conservatives/LibDems got in power they accelerated it to a few years.
I have sympathy. They wish to keep the retirement age to the age we should also have. They do seem better at protesting there. Whether they get what they want remains to be seen. Apparently Macron is expected to win any vote of confidence as it would need most other parties to vote in favour of chucking him out.
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And your point is Gromit?

Both main parties want the age of 68, just when they get there.
Sacre bleu!
A bit naughty to override parliament tho
The French cd once retire at 55 and on 2/3 earnings

has to be a high tax economy for that. All gone. they cant afford it

The reduction of the age of retirement is a corner-stone of his policies, so he has decided to do it by Presidential edict, voted for by the House of reps
and that was one reason for the French to revolt
and revolting they are ! etc

Parliament ( chambre des communes) can vote it out ( the form is no confidence) and that precipitates a french general election

their contitutional law is readically different to ours

as with Rishi - we have to raise taxes to pay for all this lu-lu

in my opinion
The problem seems to be he did it "without asking " them...
The french never miss a chance for a strike or a good old riot (that sounds like some over here that spring to mind), im sure micron knew the outcome would be the same , asked or not...
The French are very good at demonstrating and I think that they really mean it this time. The police retire earlier of course - a neighbour who had been a prison officer retired at 55. Revolution is less alien an idea to them than us - several French friends told me that.
^^^ It'll be interesting to see what happens if Macron's govt. survives a no confidence vote.
Macron obviously had a chat with Sunak when they were rubbing shoulders last week then.
Jourdain, the people you mentioned retired on a work pension, not the state pension.
Yes, Barry, I know, and they have to retire then. But their pensions are very good. As are those of all the fonctionnaires I knew. That puts them on a different 'side' to most people, if you see what I mean. There was disaffection re. pensions years ago.
guess you don't want to be a 30 something, with retirement age rising and rising, probably end up one day being 80 or the end of the public pension system, start a private pension when you begin working.
all very sad.
Is the state pension in the UK ,,Still the lowest paid out in Europe ,with the highest contributions.?

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