I'm with Barsel. Solitary confinement for life, and life meaning life. I don't haved fantasies about being violent to anybody. Ending their lives by lethal injection is being too kind to them in my opinion. Just lock them away and give them no hope of ever being free again. Im against capital punishment. One reason is that someone has to administer that punishment and I cant see most normal people wanting to do a job like that.
Another reason I am against the death penalty - a jury is far less likely to return a verdict of guilty of murder. That little niggle of doubt where there was none, the slightest possibility that the accused is innocent, the burden of putting a person to death persuades many jurors to take the safe option of manslaughter
ok this may sound gross but, imagine you had a court yard full of convicted child rapists and murderers, dna proved and witnesses, would you bat an eyelid if the military or other opened fire on them.
then imagine some were due for parole and maybe be moved nr you
does not matter it would be someone's neighborhood, gary glitter really, would you say no, dont open fire.
Im with MissT, Barsel, Naomi and Barry on this one. For some, death may be too easy. Suffering in the here and now is what they deserve. Solitary confinement would provide suitable never ending mental torture. No one needs to touch them to make them suffer.
I have no wish to reduce to their level and inflict pain...there is no gratification or pleasure in that form of retribution.
This has moved on since I last checked but untitled I did wonder if my words would be misconstrued but 'get off' does not always mean in a sexual way and that's not what I meant in the slightest, neither do I think fantasy means that.
I can honestly say i have never imagined inflicting physical pain on anybody. I can imagine why people might want to but not 'imagine' doing it. Thats weird
One doesn't opt to throw away one's moral values just because not everyone in society manages to be an adequate human being. Law is or should be, about justice, not vengeance, or, for that matter expediency or lowest cost.
They do not deserve to live. I have never considered myself to be a violent person (I never smacked my children and have not, as far as i know, been cruel to animals) but for this pair I could make an exception.
//i have never imagined inflicting physical pain on anybody.// then your lucky to have never been in such a situation when you are the target, i was once and it was not pleasant, they don't care, and terrorise whole communities with threats, some people should be put down like rabid dogs, otherwise your just moving the problem to another town, and it repeats over and over, nice to be nice, as long as your not effected or yours, some people do not deserve to breath.
I think there must be something wrong with me because I'm sure that if anyone did anything bad to my children or grandchildren, I'm sure I would want to kill them, but whether I would be capable, I'm not sure as I'm not violent by nature, but I don't have an ounce of forgiveness in me for people like this.