That would appear to be gulliver’s idea of debating the post’ then - see 12.40. Best left to his own little world.
oh my Gawd as someone says, another post ad hominem
but hey it is a sunny day outside !
Gully your silent, golden period where the usual suspects dont spit at you and scratch your eyes ( I will come around and rip your face off- a mod) seems to be over
People have drawn the parallel between Blessed boris ( Boris staretz in Russian) and Rishi with Enoch Powell and Heath.
EP then was invited and stood for South Down and was a very good at contituency work, they said. - evil evil man, spoke a lot of Latin for a start.
(bella, horrida bella / et Thybrim multo spumantem sanguine cerno’ (6.86-7).
what did he say? that says: Wars horrible wars, and the Tiber foaming with much blood
(puto sola fide) - I can think only in latin