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ToraToraTora | 09:51 Thu 22nd Jun 2023 | News
15 Answers can be weighed by AI? disturbing how KJU is apparently 140kg and the rest of the country are starving!


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Interesting but might be questionable as to accuracy, a person with high musclemass could be heavier than a person with a high bodyfat though external measurements could be similar. Still the little mad leader looks a bit of a pie eater....
Estimate. "South Korean officials have used artificial intelligence to estimate the weight of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un"
You don't need AI to estimate weight, anyone can guess. It is obvious he is fat.
Maybe they need an accurate weight to work out how much poison to use!
The term AI, like "woke", has been twisted way beyond its proper meaning.

These days it appears any program is "AI".

And as above just look at the pictures, its clear he is obese. Which is good hopefully his body will give up soon with all that lard to hulk around. I doubt he is strong/fit underneath.
If NK is starving, perhaps we should ease the sanctions we impose on them?
//If NK is starving, perhaps we should ease the sanctions we impose on them?//

Is that really serious?

Just what do you think wold happen if we did? Do you really think Rocket Man would buy food for his people or build more rockets?
I doubt you'd find many in NK who would agree with you, if asked.
Oh really? He could weight 140 kg if he was 1,80 m height. From media coverage it seems he is not that tall, so his weight can be 100-110 kg at most. AI did not count some important details, probably as fat weights less than muscles.
What muscles, that is just one big tub of lard.
Only 140kg?
Let them eat Kim.
He's clearly a fat dictator. I think we need to find better uses for AI.
Is there anything AI can't do?
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AI is poorly named there is no such thing as "AI" what there is is PI, Psuedo Intelligence. Vast reference data and programming on modern hardware gives the appearance of intelligence.

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